Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hello people! I'm back. The Kiwis left last night and I was so sad. Like extremely sad. It was like a deja vu. On 6 May,we were the ones in the bus and they were the ones outside waving to us. On 29 October,they were the ones on the bus,we were the ones waving to them. :(
Nothing much has been happening. My guest was AWESOME! :D We went to places with them on Monday then everyone got so high in the bus before we reached school. No idea why.
Life's been the same ol' same ol' thing. Nothing much to blog about really cause I've been studying and revising and just being boring in school,really. So yeah. That's about it. Till then! :D
{ 9:32 AM }
Monday, October 27, 2008
I am tired. Today was fun although I kind of slept the WHOLE afternoon.
I'm so lazy to post cause I can't be bothered and I feel like studying now. Since I'm NOT going to Cik Acu's house. :( That is utter depression okay. :( They're gonna come home at like what? 4am? And i'll be like what? Studying? Geez.
{ 12:38 AM }
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Good Day mates. I just came back from Orchard like an hour ago. Was SUPPOSED to go to Malaysia for my cousin's open house but my guest didn't have her passport with her and the principal kept it in school. So yeah.
We just hung out at like Orchard and City Hall. Where I,Habibah Najihahbi,spent 50 over dollars on CD albums. Yeap. I got Travis,Jason Mraz and James Morrison.
I got Travis at Gramophone though and it's SO much cheaper. They sell much much more vinyl at Gramophone than HMV. Next birthday wish,a vinyl player. :D That'll be AWESOME!
That was supposed to make me feel happier but I was more sad cause I couldn't buy all I wanted. I had to choose between Oasis and Katy Perry's or the JM's. And I picked the JM's.
I'll probably BEG my sister to buy me Oasis and Katy Perry's. Or Oasis and Coldplay's. Or Oasis and Gym Class Heroes. Or Oasis and The Dey. OR Oasis.. and LL Cool J's.
Yeah. Oasis is a must cause I've been eyeing that album since October 17th! :(
We walked and shopped and blah blah blahed. Now,I've got to do my Geogy. Which I dread. THANK GOD MY LAST GEOG TEST IS COMING SOON! :D Left with Majors for Math and Science,Paper 1 for Malay,Geog and I'm DONEEEEE!
Oh,then I've got camps and camps during the WOW project week. WOOHOO!
I realised,I'm much more busy this year than last year and I've got no time to waste. I shall start mugging like crazy for Math and ESPECIALLY Science. Cheers!
{ 9:35 PM }
Friday, October 24, 2008
Life's meaningless now.
{ 11:17 PM }

Muslihah Mujtaba! You're in Vietnam now. *thinks* Oh man. I should have taught you the bad words my LO taught us when we were in Vietnam. HAHAHA! Okay anyway,hope you're having fun now. Like foster caring people and all. HAHHAAHAH! I swear that short catching up session with you on... I can't rmbr was funny. Hur hur. I know your secret hun. :P
And I'm so glad that it'll be four of us again. WE NEED TO GO OUT! Like four of us. Cause it has ALWAYS been four of us. Although we're like all in different schools,I know what we have will last long. Just last week,Mus and I were fighting over stupid jalan raya. -.- And now,I totally forgot about it. :)
And then Siti's been MIA for so long. My dear girl,it's been a YEAR! We were friends since like what p1 in 1G? Hahaha! And I still rmbr the time my two front teeth fell off cause of your head. Ouch.
And Syirah,you're like.. Aku pun tak tau ape cerita. Hahaha. But we need to meet up soon. Cause exams will be over and we have nothing to worry about and we can have FUN! :)
Ahhh. Talking about us. I miss Grad Night. Nvm. Not the point.
Point is,I know I still can count on you guys no matter how distant we are. Know why? Cause we're bloodsisters. :D With all the bitch fights,we'll prbly only become closer. We'll just wait till I leave Sports School.
And travelling plan is still on okay! When we grow up. I don't care. I wanna join also. HAH! So Mus,you can't halau me now. Hur hur. :P Love you guys to bits and pieces. <3
{ 7:59 PM }
Ah faggots of all faggots. I hate this week. I hate Tuesdays cause they give me bad luck.
I wouldn't like to talk bout the unpleasant here cause if I do,it'll be sooooo emo. I'd rather lock it on lj. So if you're lucky,you can read it.
Anyway,Wednesday night was AWESOME! Like after NZ rehearsal and stuff,I went back to my room and somehow,a "Slumber" party started. But it was only like 4 of us. Ilma,Sha,Nadhra and I. We couldn't stop laughing.Firstly was Sha and Nadhra laughing at Ilma's video in my phone. And then both of them suddenly jumped on me after they found out there was an insect. BOTH!Before Mystery Jam 12 started,we asked Nadhra to draw the curtains and close the windows.Sha: Eh,Nadhra. Nadhra. *pointing at the window*Nad: Sial ah Sha.Ilma: AHHHHH!Sha and I: AAAHHHH!Nadhra jumped down from our balcony to the beds. Hahahahahah! And my heart was beating so fast already then. The outside was more visible when we wanted it to be like invisible. -.- Thanks ah Nad. HAHAHA!So Sha braved herself and went to close the windows and curtains. And just as she finished that,the radio started going "tick,tock,tick,tock". Sign of Mystery Jam 12. So she jumped down,we screamed and all cramped up at one particular spot cause we were all so scared.Then we shifted positions and stuff and ended up,all of us slept in a row. It was bloody funny I swear. And Nadhra called me SPASMS the next day cause I had spasms at night. -.-So that was all I liked about this week. Rehearsals weren't as fun as last week's. NZ people are here and my guest is resting in her room. I shall let her rest until dinner's ready. :) Till then!
{ 7:47 PM }
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Today was exhausting and coincidentally the themes were Change,Dreams and Freedom. Has got a lotttt to do with me. But whatever,not the point. I'm glad it's over cause yeah.
I reached home at like 8.30pm and had to change and leave for Cik Aini's Open House. I am tired.
This week is definitely not my week. I need to scream again. Now even louder and possibly till I get tears out. Cause it's too much to bear,too much to bear.
And apparently right now,I am lost and screwed and at Code Red. This Code Red is no false alarm. I've been getting myself into trouble lately till I don't know what I'm thinking.
I almost got hit by a speeding van today,almost rolled down the escalator. How I wish I was hospitalised now. :) Then I would get time off from EVERYTHING really.Maybe a day or two without worries.
I have no more comments cause all has been said and done. You've said your words and I've said mine. You win. I lose.{ 1:37 AM }
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Okay. I love my Bestfriend so damn much. I just had a bombing chat session with her and OH MY GOD. I laughed like crazy. I shall not share with you what we talked about. If not,she'll be as good as dead. :P And by the way,we didn't bitch so there's nothing to worry about people. :) Hahahahaha! Okay,I'll laugh them off to sleep. Thanks for cheering me up hun. Love you long-er time. :D
{ 1:10 AM }
Friday, October 17, 2008
I am pissed and angry at you. So if I'm not talking to you,then it's not my fault. Cause you caused it. You should have thought about it before sending that message. This year won't be like any other year. In fact,it'll change from now on. You've changed. That's all I realised. I guess you don't really care anymore or maybe you do,but you put maybe yourself before others. Maybe this is a one-sided thing but then,all would have agreed until you gave them a choice. I don't know why,but maybe you forgot that I wasn't free AT ALL. And maybe you forgot that all was alright with the date,until you changed it and gave them a choice to pick on. And then there came that slang again on the phone. That totally changed my mood and I didn't want to talk at all then. Guess now,I'm not gonna talk to you. Until you know how hurt I am.So anyway,that was one. Another would be just right below this.
I don't know what happened to the whole bunch of us. Like we're suddenly so separated ever since I have no idea when but yeah. Now... I hate being sitting on the fence but that's what I'm gonna do. It's gonna stay that way. No one's with me cause it seems that almost everyone is taking sides. I know you've bitched about me but even so,even how bad or how far the bitching went,I'm still not going to take sides. Because I've let it go. It only means one thing,but that one thing,I'm not going to share. So I hope all goes well soon. If not,I'll still be on the fence no matter what.Lots of Love,
{ 11:26 PM }
This post should be about Sunday.
Wakeboard World Cup Singapore was AWESOMEEEEEEE! I swear. I loved it! Like the finals were awesome. Raimi Meritt broke her board! Like it BROKE into half! Dallas Friday won the rest by 20 points. She gave like big air all the way. :D
IT WAS JUST AWESOME! REALLY! Like my day wasn't wasted at all. :) CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR'S! :)
OKAY! Now I'm pissed cause I can't seem to upload the pictures. :( I'll upload it soooooon! :D
{ 10:26 PM }
So I'll blog about the week in school first. It was definitely not my week. Already on Sunday night,I was a sour plum and as usual Sundays,if I'm stressed,I'll scream no matter what the time is (not later than 11.15pm though).
And sorry Angela for suddenly screaming at you.Monday was a day which I don't think anything BIG happened. Just had test and slacked.
Tuesday was not so tiring in Macritchie although we did like longer intervals. :/ Again this week,I jogged like nobody's business and reached the bench first.
Wednesday was again an UNLUCKY day for me. My head hit the pipe while playing rugby and it was bleeding. Well,I didn't know until after the whole thing. I got knee-ed as well and it caused some serious pain the next day.
Wednesday NIGHT,I went to the rec room for Angela's sake to watch the 9pm show. I think it's cool. Anyway,that night also,I fell from her bed cause apparently she only gave like a quarter of her bed to lie down on. And when she moved,I moved too and fell.. :( That was a very laughy night for me cause she... Nvm. I'll keep it between us two. :P You know what I'm thinking. :PThursday was killer training. I swear I was DEAD tired during the last rep. My knee buckled and that cost me like difficulty to run the whole of my 80m. :(
Thursday night was CRAZY. I swear the NZ group people make me laugh like crazy.
The whole of our rehearsals in the music room will definitely make me laugh till I roll on the floor. Jovi,is childish. Andrew has always been .... during rehearsals. Kiat Xuan is... HAHAHAHA! No comments.
Jo laughed really hard last night cause I thought a move for Jovi as an elephant. Cause he knelt down and stretched his arms out. SO I took it and flapped it for him.
The he was like
,"You think what. Dumbo ah?" And all started laughing.
And in the midst of thinking of the whacky steps,Andrew suddenly said
,"Eh guys. Hurry up la. Someone preparing to take class photo already." So we all turned to Kiat Xuan and he was sitting on the chair with his hands on his knees. And all started laughing so damn hardly!Plus,it was already like 10.15pm and they made me laugh like crazy.
I got so high in Angela's and Ning's room and went back to my room feeling sooooo high!
Nadhra,Sha and I,we stayed up till like 12am to listen to Mystery Jam 12 but in the end,I fell asleep when the person was talking on the phone. Hur hur. Sha and I joint our bed matress on the floor and slept. It was like a SLUMBER party and it was soooo awesome! :D
I discovered HMV today in 2 and a half hours browsing through all the albums and DVDs. I wanna get Travis' Ode To J. Smith. IT'S OUT PEOPLE! It's OUTTTT! The song J. Smith that I once put on my blog,is out in that album!!! :D :D
{ 10:02 PM }
Good Morning lovely people! I am in school. I haven't blogged like in days! I'll do a proper one tonight. It'll probably be two or three blog posts tonight. :) So see you tonight! I got a feeling we've got a fire drill coming in 10 minutes maybe? Till then!
{ 9:08 AM }
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Hello earthlings! I. Am. Back. :)
World cup was cool! It was a WHOLE new environment! I really liked it. But I didn't know where to go really,so I just stayed in the tent and took pictures and more pictures. I got to see Phillip Soven ride (cause he was the last one and Angela was already waiting for me). Hur hur.
Talked to Dallas Friday too. :D She looks different. I could barely recognise her. :/ So then after the whole thing,I went to meet Angela Tan at Raffles City. We went to get her YOGURU. And THE present and then we went Starbucks to study. Moen joined us.
And after a while,we were laughing like mad cause there were supposedly TWO gays sitting beside us. I completed the Similarity worksheet. :) So Bestfriend and I bused 579 back and didn't talk. Cause she was messaging and if she msges,I talk,I'll be talking to the wall. :/
So yeah. Thank You Bestfriend for today although you were SUPPOSED to study and not lie on my shoulder.. Made my bag heavy for nothing.
P.S: I can never give her a paper and pencil cause she will draw on my paper for nuts! SHE DREW ON MY WORKSHEET!! But I still love you. :)
PP.S: Angela is my addiction. HAHAHAHAHA! *inside joke*
{ 11:15 PM }
So I guess I'll be going for Worlds ALONE and studying ALONE after that. Thanks to someone. But it's okay. Not your fault. Used to it. :)
So I watched 90210 last night and it never fails to get better. Adrianna died (I think) cause of drug overdose. I think it's gonna be DA BOMB! And they didn't show Ty for episode 7. So I guess.. Nvm. Wouldn't want to hurt Aisyah. Haha!
They just showed an ad on Star World about 90210 premiering on Nov 4th. I'd prbly be at episode 10 or 11. :D And then I'm gonna spoil for all you humans. HAHAHA! But I got a feeling they're gonna cut the serial halfway like how they did with One Tree Hill. Sheesh!
{ 12:14 PM }
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tell me who wouldn't LOVE The Wreckers. :D
So anyway,cross out that emo/I don't know what post.
This week has been okay. Really crazy all the way. I can barely remember all the funny things that happened.
Oh yes! Now I do. Sha and I got really scared on Wednesday night cause the Ping Pong Ball from her table dropped to the floor suddenly. Yes,and I had nightmares that night. :/
Angela and I,think we saw a lightning going inside her room and into Wei Ning's phone charger which was plugged to the plug-in thingy. Like it was a flash of light. And we both freaked out (actually she only) and hid under the blanket until she realised, how idiotic we looked like. :/
School has been exceptionally okay. I shall start studying for Major Module,soon. :) As much as I want school to end,I don't want it to end. Cause then,I wouldn't be having late night talks. :( All will be saved for a busy 2009. And yes,2009,I'll be DEFINITELY busy as what Mr P says. All the best & KEEP FIT!
Physio has been doing some serious muscle tightness along my calves. And I swear,recovery is going slower than i expected. I can't even sit in a proper prayer position. :/ Strength of the ankle might take 6 weeks to recover. SIX LONG WEEKS! :(
I'm depressed. And I'm afraid to play soccer now. So now.... I'm going to be doing my homework. :) I want to do it tonight. :D
P.S: Angela,do NOT slack. Cause I know you are. You're going to die with me for the next 5-6 days I tell you. :P
{ 10:37 PM }
I know you're reading this and you know you're reading this.I was kinda shocked to hear you speak in THOSE kind of Minah slang on the phone just now.It held me back for a while. And yeah. I guess maybe this is the reason why I'm not as close anymore and in addition,I'm away from you guys most of the time. All of the time actually. Maybe I'll join you tomorrow at night,maybe I won't. It depends. Cause it's all for you right. No offence but yeah..Okay. So a lot happened this week and I don't wish to talk about it cause I'm not in the best of moods right now. So if you wanna get screamed at or irritated at,come approach me. I'll vent all I have in me. Thank you and good day.
{ 5:49 PM }
Monday, October 6, 2008
If you wanna know what I did last night. :P
Greetings from school! :) Yesterday was just damn bloody AWESOME. We went visiting and had only one house to visit. Then I was back to school. That's where the fun started. :D
Firstly,it was Nadhra getting shocked by me. She wanted to attack me with a broom I threw at her. So I ran to my room,got another broom,and hid behind the wall. So when she came near,I jumped put and scared her and she screamed and fell to the floor. HAHAH! Loser. :P
Secondly,it was the black heads on the nose sticky thingy which most of us tried. And Nadhra has NO nose. HAHAHA! :P
We took pictures. Angela,Wei Ning and Wendy were there. Fatin was there for a while only. Then Wendy left and ALL of us were making a lot of noise. Or rather just hanging out in my room till like 1am. Yes,we couldn't sleep. Or we could,but we didn't want to maybe?
SO at 1am. We went to Nadhra's room and woke her up. She came out this was how it went.
Us: Eh,you late for morning training already!Nadhra: Huh? Serious ah?Us: YAHH!*Nadhra walking to the toilet*Me: Hahah! Kidding,kidding. It's 1am.Nad: HUH?! 1AM?! !@#$%And she went on scolding us off for 2 minutes. :/ HAHAHA! But what the hell. :P And then she tried waking Elisa up but failed.
Then after the whole Midnight HuHa. I was damn on to do Math. So I did in my room then was invited by Angela to go to hers. So she tried doing,I tried doing. We both gave up soon after.
Seriously,I NEVER laughed so hard before. First,it's Wei Ning with her laughing for no apparent reason. Second,it's Angela with her. HAHAHAHA! I can't stop laughing about it. Ok. So I'll tell you what happened.
Me: I miss my grandfather.Angela: Where is he?Wei Ning: ? What the.Me: Uh. Underground?Angela: Huh? Whyyy??Me: Cos he's dead?Ning and I: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!*After two minutes*Angela: OHHHHH! Now I get it! *and starts laughing to herself*The THREE of us slept at 4am there about. The last bit of laughter was when Ning was talking to my monkey. I swear she looked and acted exactly like a RETARD! Haha!
And so we slept for the shortest sleeping time possible. Ning had mrng trng. I woke up at 6 but slept again and woke up at 7.20am. Angela,I don't know. She step no mrng trng cause she just finished Open Water. Haha.
But I slept in their room on their chairs which they arranged in a line. Which was comfy to sleep at first but when you wake up,you have BACK pains. :(
And I SURVIVED SCHOOL. Whereas the other two just died. :P Okay. I shall blog on lj.
So have a good night people! :)
{ 8:05 PM }
Sunday, October 5, 2008

I think the picture of Annie and Ty is really adorable and the picture of Ryan,he's just fineeeeee. :D
{ 9:34 AM }
OH YES! Of all things I blog about,I forgot about academy outing.
It wasn't really a bonding kinda thing at first but halfway cycling we bumped into the sec 3 track girls together with Meixian and Noreen who were roller-blading. So yeah,after that,it was REALLY fun. I could have kicked Liang Wei's ass on the bike cause she kept bumping our tyres.
Meixian held on to me and I cycled her up and down the slope. That sure was a workout. So friggin' tiring. We stopped at the jetty and took pictures. The wind was AWESOME! Then we cycled back and had Macdonald's. :)
I shall upload the pictures when I see Wan Ting online. :)
{ 8:04 AM }
Good Morning everyone. I am a pissed piece of crap. I woke up in the morning for NO reason cos I've got NO madrasah. :(
Anyway,left house at 1 yesterday for visiting. We went to Nyayi Lijah's house first then Uncle Ramli's house. Uncle Ramli has like 4? 5? what? Platinum thingy? Haha. I don't know. But it's really really cool!
After that we went to Uncle Yong's house,which,I slept. Cause I was having headaches. Then I slept in the car throughout till like 7pm. HAHA! Went to Nyayi Bi something Yah's house and had Asam Pedas.
HOMG! This year's raya is FULL of Asam Pedas. Last night was the fourth time I ate asam pedas. :D
After that went to Nyayi Bibah's house and then to Nyayi Jarah's. We watched parts of Bujang Lapok and yeah.
I was only really really awake when I saw my cousins. :D I have no idea where we're going today. Just wait and see. And I'm checking in tonight! :D :D
{ 7:53 AM }
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Good morning. I am... TIRED. :( We went to only 3 houses today. First house was Yayi Noor's house. My family and Cik Aini's family spent TWO hours there. We reached at 6.45pm,left at 8.45pm. Damn long sia. But it was fun. :) Watched Sephia and parts of Lahad.
Then went to Nyayi Biba'yah's(?) house. I don't like to see grandaunts crying. I think it's really sad and insyaAllah,we'll get to visit her again for another raya.
Lahad is a pretty good movie. It's sad but I still prefer Daun Ketupat Kering,if I'm not wrong. Before leaving the house,waterfall already. It's THE sadest raya show I've ever seen apart from Airmata Ibu.
When I reached Wak Yah's house for the last one,I just slept till like 1.30am. :/
And thanks to someone for calling me Nanny Balls. -.-
So goodnight people! :)
{ 1:49 AM }
Friday, October 3, 2008
Oh yes. And my sisters,or rather my ELDER siste, is gonna scream at me cause I have this song as my blog song. Hahaha. :P
{ 1:05 PM }
Am currently in the comp lab now. School was okay. I slept in the car like the WHOLE way through. I mean obviously cause I woke up so damn freaking early. 5AM early. :/
Last night was pretty okay. Only 2 houses(dad's side). Uncle Bai's house has like TWO kittens. They are so freaking adorable! One slept on my hands when it got tired of playing around. Super cute. Thank God my nose wasn't THAT sensitive to their fur. :D
At Uncle Long's house,I kinda slept my whole visit there. Just sat on the sofa and slept. :/
School was pretty much okay. We slacked during Malay in Cikgu Shuhada's class. Danial Farhan is gay. Yes,I sat with them cause Hamizah and all had to do their assigned work. We had assigned work but what the hell. :) I swear I couldn't stop laughing.
English was slack. Science we had test and then practical. Also slack. MOST of us got 8/10 for the test. SO overall I got 24% out of 30% which is A LOT by the way.. :(
So now I'm waiting for the videos to download and I'm a watch them. :D One Tree Hill honey. :) Okay. Enjoy your day! :)
The whole world's moving;
& I'm standing still.
{ 12:58 PM }
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I realised that I was surrounded with pretenders today. But in a way,I know you're not one of them. You just wouldn't fit. Good Day! I sense MOREEEEEEE visiting today. :D :D
{ 1:43 PM }
Right. JUST as I was about to sign out. Oliver came online. And yes,I haven't washed up neither have I slept. Duh,the obvious. :/
{ 1:15 AM }
Hello people! I am back from one WHOLE day of jalan raya. Am definitely tired. Slept at 3am yesterday,woke up at 8am today.
I took a damn good hour getting ready. Hur hur. With help from the sisterals of course. Although two just irritate me.
So yes. It was filled with new clothings and food and kuihs and money (hehehe) and EVERYTHING else! Pictures everywhere. Everywhere the car drives past,you see people/families in baju kurung. :D
So we only went to like 4? 5? houses today. And it was mostly on the east side cause we didn't want to tire Lutfi out. HE CAN WALK! :D With the help of crutches of course. :)
Aunty Maz has THE cutest and adorablest cats on EARTH. They're not afraid. And smart me,kept playing with them non-stop until when I STOPPED playing with them,I started sneezing like crap.
I think I'm allergic to cats. :( That's depressing cos cats are ADORABLE!
I shall not say how much I collected. Nope. Not gonna say. :P So good luck guessing if you DO want to guess.
I am tired. I shall upload pictures on Facebook and Friendster soon. And maybe some here. So goodnight fellow earthlings! I see more visitings tomorrow. :D :D
{ 12:19 AM }