Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I just ended two days of hardcore competition and I've got my last hardcore race on Friday and that'll be the 4x300m. :)
4x100m was good. We got 3rd but yeah,it was good. 100m was THE BEST! :D I've never felt better. I think this was the ONLY time that I didn't really tense up for my final race. :) So cool,so cool. :D
Okay,besides that Hamizha is really funny I swear! Omg. I've never laughed so hard at the dining table. Thank God lotsa people left already. Left the trackers and God knows who. Hahaha!
I'm gonna wash my clothes etc and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Goodnight people! I'll update like more and more when I got more time and when my hands aren't so tired. :D
{ 10:30 PM }
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Hello hello! I've got internet connection! YAY! But I signed up for the 10 hours plan only. SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THE UNLIMITED ONE. Oh well. Not like I'll have MUCH time to use the internet on competition days.
The plan ride was AWESOME! Hahaha. Yeah,right. We had really scary turbulence in the beginning. I really thought we were gonna crash and I didn't wanna die yet cos y'know,there's too much to say and I haven't said it.
So anyway,bus ride was alright. 6 hours on the bus to Khon Kaen. I thought my feet was gonna swell but thankfully it didn't. :D I slept the WHOLE bus ride here and am feeling tired already. Warm up and opening ceremony tomorrow.
I just pray that my hamstring does me good. Just let off that tightness. But if God wants it that way,then that's the way. I can't fight,can't change it.
Being Hamizah's roommate is really great! I think we were one of the noisiest in the room laughing etc.
Jannah and Mariam are no different. Was in their room just now and these girls are CRAZY! I swear. Boy crazy. Hahaha!
Ok,I need massage. I'll try to update everyday if I'm not toooooo tired. But chances of updating on competition days will be quite low. So yeah.
See you people! :)
{ 10:49 PM }
Goodbye people of Singapore. Apparently,I only got an hour of sleep. And am really cranky. Hahaha!
Okay! See you people.
hello, marie was here. good luck to you habibah najihahbi!!!!
and good luck to mariam shazana!!!! :D
{ 5:50 AM }
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Today was a longggggg day but I wished it slowed down a lil bit towards the end. Really. The end went too fast. Wayyyyyy too fast. Cos I was running to and fro,to and fro.
Let's start with the morning. Woke up,met Hamizah then met Jo and Elisa. Ate Burger King but Jo and Elisa left first. Had a few runs of the cheer. Then started ushering people for the pre-register and walk-in registration thing.
After that slacked back stage and got ready for the cheer. The cheer was AWESOME! I really really liked it. Not cos I was in it but cos it was so cool! :D
After the cheer,went up,took our bags and left cos they were going and on with the super duper ultra long speeches. So the few of us slacked at the registration area,playing with trolleys,munching on Kit Kats and just crapping around. Meixian did the hurdles drills with those chained thingies. Lame.
Khai is seriously not happy with the Track academy cos he dropped the whole chain thingy of ours. So you can imagine all of us going like "Oiiiiii. Not happy ah." along those lines.
After that,carried on with the tour and I think mine was THE longest one ever! Seriously,my legs were all so painful already.
We ended outside the Boarding Office so I had to run back to the General Office cos I didn't wanna waste time. Then I ran to the auditorium for fun. I always drop by the trials places. Saw Kesh and Su and Sonia and Fariza and Desmond upstairs. Went up and turns out,they were "promoting" the school further. Good to see Su and Kesh though. Sam was umpiring downstairs. Hahaha! I shall not forget our FAVOURITE game. :P
Didn't wanna waste anymore time,so I ran back to the track and checked the out trials. So many people wanted to run the 800m! Cool... And then said bye to Mr De and fellow Temasekians.
I reached home and knocked out. My mum woke me up at around 9.30pm to pack. 4.30am tmr,4.30am. NOT AN INTERESTING TIME AT ALL! :(
So I'll see you angels in about a weeks' time alright! Be good! :D Chaoz people!
{ 11:11 PM }
Hello people! I am back from the super duper ultra tiring week of school. My week was just full of early bedtime and REAL early wake ups. I woke up before 7 everyday. I woke up at 5am on Wednesday to hafal my Imlak but Cikgu didn't come in the end. Then on subsequent days I woke up really early too. Oh yes. Taking laundry at 5am in the morning is really creepy. I just felt like running back to the lift after I took them.
Ssts were CRAZY. I swear. Not with laughter or non-stop talking but with work. I just wanted to die. Right there. On my table. But last night's was AWESOME! It was so funny,I couldn't laugh any harder. Hamizah la. Laugh laugh laugh. Then I sat beside her last night. Yeah,we were probably the NOISIEST people but with no noise. :)
Nothing much happened this week. Just work work work,make up make up make up,training training training. And bloody hamstring is giving me problems. Yes,A week before Thai. SHIT MAN! Know how pissed I am? Very.
So I've got less than 48 hours to be A-OKAY. :( Find me a fast cure. PLEASEEEEE.
Open House is tmr. And I've got many many tasks. Let's see...
-Drop by the track :)
Ushering will be no problem,cheer will be alright I hope and LOUD. Tour... Wish me luck. Heh.
THAILAND'S IN 2 DAYS! 2 SHORT DAYS! I haven't even set goals for myself,haven't even packed! OH MY GODDSSHHHH! 4.30am in the morning. 2 hours on plane. 6 hours bus ride. 6 freaking long hours. I'll just sleeeeeeeeeep till we get to Khon Khaen. :D I love this year's mascot,the dinosaur. I'm gonna aim to get one. :D
Okay,I shall... Pack a bit,get ready for tmr,msg Andrew for the thingy things and... SLEEP! I'm deprived for sleep. Seriously. So chaoz bumzie wumz! :)
{ 8:18 PM }
Monday, July 21, 2008
I am so rotting here in the function hall. I have work to do but I can't keep my eyes open! :( Dance Floor Anthem's playing.
Oh My God! I am dying here. I need sleep and it's cold. Making my knees painful. :(
I think im gonna sleeeeep!
{ 8:02 PM }
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Oh my. I see people setting goals for Thai Games already and I haven't! Omg. I really don't know what I want this time round cos sure as hell I won't get a 4.1 tail wind. It'll be hot hot hot. I need help! :(
I want a pb for my 200m. It's the last time I'll ever run one for this year. My goal is a 27.2 btw. I need to hit a 27. I want to hit a 27! And I'll just try my luck for 100m. I think I can get top 3. Yeah,I think I can. :)
OH MY GOD! I haven't packed,I haven't finished my homework! Bury me. I cannot take my Geog test tmr cos I have no idea what the topic is talking about and History,double the huh. Cikgu is killing me already. I've got spelling test tmr. OMG. Bury me more.
Things I need:
-Consent form
-Council Shirt (Better get them out now)
Hmmmm. That's all I guess.
{ 6:20 PM }
I just realised the post yesterday was really long. Anyway,at 5pm Angela called me and I had to meet her at Starbucks. She bought for me a BANANA cake from Secret Recipe. I knew why you bought for me that hun. HAHAHAHA! Thank you,thank you,thank you.
So I reached home,lie down on the sofa and fell asleep. It's like as if the sofa has got powers. I woke up for a while,used the laptop(I was still on the sofa) and fell asleep AGAIN with the laptop on me. Wow! Been sleeping for 12 hours straight these 2 days. Awesome! Sleep is heaven. Although that,I had a lot a lot of weird dreams. Dreams dreams dreams. I'll float on Cloud 9 for a while. ^^
Ok. I've got A LOT of work to do. More than you can ever imagine. It's killing me. I hope I don't have to take my Geog and History test tmr. Need. More. Time. Cikgu's killing me already with the 60 Kolokasi words and peribahasa and Imlak. God. I've got Science to listen and write down notes. So... Good day people! :)
{ 1:03 PM }
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Okay. So anyway,the trip was fun! With late night stay ups after the games and the after party was... fun. :D It was fun. We were on the verge of leaving cos it was boring in the beginning but yeah they started playing I can't remember what song and I couldn't stand the fact that we were just standing like IDIOTS. So yeah,I started jumping around. Pretty fun! :)
Sad thing was,I wanted to leave the place for a while to catch a glimpse of One Tree Hill on The CW at around 9.15pm. But they said once I leave,I can't come back in. So,I just stayed in. Sad but it was worth the stay. *ehem* Inside story. :P
Coventry reached on the night after the opening ceremony and they made a lot of noise but I was cool with it. Funniest thing,they started kicking and meddling with the door opposite our room not knowing that WAS NOT their room. And then one of them started rolling on the floor laughing and saying she was going to sleep there that night. Hahahaha! Couldn't help but laugh,duh.
On the first night,Liang Wei burnt her cup noodles. HAHAHAH! Joke of the day man. She didn't read the instructions,put it in the microwave. I should tell you people who would want to know in real life. You may not laugh your ass off but it was funny and silly.
We got first class free show also. *wink wink* But the rest got sent out the theatre few minutes after that. :P (You guys having the BIG question mark reading this? Too bad. :P)
Oh! Did I tell you their music store was BLOODY BIG?!?! It's super duper ultra BIG! Like they had a level with all Genres. They even had a section of Indie cds. And it was A LOT! The Rock section was more! The Hip Hop section also. Bands or rappers or singers you've never heard of,they're there!
They had a level selling vinyl also. AWESOME! And their elevator had an ipod with a speaker playing music. And the person who was taking care of that would tell customers randomly what song it was. The song we heard while in there was played in Godzilla before. Their music knowledge is deep. Real deep. Cool awesome stuffs. :D
I shopped at Victoria's Secret (was just following Val around to that shop). Hahaha! I bought a sleeping mask and I got the BIGGEST VS bag they had while Val who shopped the most there,got their SMALLEST bag. That made it seem like I shopped the most there.
Fisherman's Wharf was great! Only if they gave us like 5 hours there,I would have totally rocked it. Shahrir got to go to the Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum while Liang Wei and I went to the BIG SS Jeremiah Obrien ship. Cool stuff. I love their arcade. It was Old School arcade. Watched Princess Diaries 1 before? The part where Mia brought her Grandma to play arm wrestle? Yeah,we went to play there. It was GREAT! Cool games,fun stuff. :D
We went to the Crookedest Street in the world and it was tiring just going up. Best place to train really. Hahaha! I just ran up,didn't want to walk. We did the fly while going down. Couldn't even stop myself cos it was super steep! The crooked road was cold. Many many curves. :)
We went to the Twin Peak where we got a FULL view of San Francisco and it's bay. It was AWESOME! It was very windy also. Very very windy. I jumped for a picture and I landed one step back. The wind could carry me far. Hahaha!
OH YEAH! Remember how I said Coventry was noisy? Yeah,they were noisy during competition but was so quiet after the competitions. Weird. I was expecting them to be noisy and be sleeping late like US! Haha! But they didn't! Geez.
The track was super duper ultra nice to run on. It was fast track. Heaven track! :) The weather was nice to run in also. Would kill to get this weather and track in Singapore. And if I were there for a holiday,I'll probably drive the whole of US! Would probably drive up to Canada also. I got a Canada hat and sweat band and arm band. :)
The trip was a success in a way. I'll update pictures soon! Pictures say a thousand words right? So I'll make them do the talking.
P.S: I haven't trained,prbly do them tmr. :) And since when did The Honorary Title sing slow songs? Hahaha! I got them all the way from that ULTRA BIG music store. :D
{ 4:43 PM }
Good morning everybody!
Ok. Firstly,I took half an hour to post those few words yesterday. I reached home at 8pm,put down my bag and slept on the sofa STRAIGHT away! Was damn tired. A very good way to celebrate eh. Hahaha!
So anyway,I got wet by Hamizah and Jo and Li Jia and Vithya at the track. They got me man. And it was COLD water. Angela got it from me at level 8. HAHAHHA! But SOMEONE had to spoil the fun. Oh well. I'll be updated by Ilma on Sunday night when I start checking in again. :D
School was alright. I think I really need make up lessons. Cikgu is killing me with LOADS of things to do and study for. I'm going to start being a good girl and start reading Malay stuffs if I wanna do well for my O's next year. :)
I am LOST for Science. :(
The next post will be on the trip. Stay tuned! :D
{ 9:54 AM }
Friday, July 18, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME! :)
Goodnight. Can barely open my eyes now.
{ 11:10 PM }
Thursday, July 17, 2008
HELLO PEOPLE! I'm back! :) One word for the trip,
I loved it. *While typing this,my stomach may be suffering from gastric*
The final day wasn't as successful as I thought it would be. Depressing. The day was left with cold tears,cold sweat,cold hearts and cold smiles.
We got 4th for 4x100m. My heart just fell into pieces,really. It was THE most heartbreaking moment I've ever experienced in competitions. :(
I guess my 100m were affected by it also. But I didn't let it like get to me get to me. It just got to me. I didn't really want to think about it. Not anymore. I managed to qualify for the finals and that was GOOD enough,really. I thought I couldn't cos of my timing. If only I wasn't so tensed up. If only.
The tours and shoppings were BEYOND AWESOME! I swear! I didn't even have the time to go to Nike or Zara or Forever 21 or Adidas or Calvin Klein for that matter! It was just too short.
I saw accidents,gays,people scolding off each other,beggars,experienced a fire evacuation. The only thing I didn't get to see or hear was/were(Sucky English) gunshots. Would be cool to see all of these at just ONE place. :D
Alright,I'll update FULL coverage of San Fransisco when I get back tmr. Yes people,I still have to go back to school. :(
P.S: I've NEVER experienced jet lag. I would like to get it for ONCE. At least,ONCE.{ 10:52 PM }
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Using Shahrir's laptop now. He's like on the bed tossing and turning. Hahahaha! Dude,it's only 7.30pm. Oh yes,and it's difficult to keep track of time cos it's still VERY bright at 7.30pm!!
Anyway,all competitions started today anddddddddddd........... I clocked TWO pbs! :D One was a 12.92s in the heats and then a 12.75s in the quarters. :D :D My reaction was "YES!" when they announced Habibah Najihahbi,12.75s. :D 12.75s with a tailwind of 4.1! HAHAHHA! Liang Wei ran a 12.58s! NICEEEEE! :D
Our 4x100m was pretty good. Just need to do some adjustments for the finals and we're good to go. We're 4th overall but we can TRY our very best to get top 3. :)
After finals tmr,it would be the 100m semis and then finals and then 4x400m. Omg. 4x400m!
Anyway,Coventry reached last night and I had a good laugh. HAHAHA! They started making noise opposite our room. Opposite our room was the New Yorkers room so they didn't know and started kicking the door. Lucky for them the New Yorkers weren't in their room.
The New Yorkers have been coming to our room to talk etc and I don't even know their names! OH MY GOD.
Watched According To Jim. Been FOREVER since I watched like a REAL TV show ON TV. One Tree Hill was always a video player.
OH! I'M GONNA WATCH ONE TREE HILL ON MONDAY! I hope the televisions won't be taken. 9pm The CW. :D :D :D
TAG REPLIES:Mus:Hahaha! InsyaAllah. ON my birthday or the weekend? Hahaha!NAT:Thanksssssss! :D Hahahaha! I WILL tell her. :)Ning:Hahahaha! It's okay. Thanks babe! :DIra:Hahaha! Of course I did! :D I miss EVERYONE already! *ehem* I left in the at 9am in the morning. You guys were schooling already. HA HA HA! :PHin Ann:HAHAHA! I thought you knew and you were in a bad mood la(says the msges). And didn't the "If my plane crashes,you know what to do" thing give a BIG clue? Hahahahaha! But it's ok,I'm here already. :D Thanks! :)Dipna:AHHHHH! Another Star Karat tag after God-knows-how-long. Hahaha! Love you tooo! :D{ 10:25 AM }
Friday, July 11, 2008
YO YO! I am here! :D Reached around 2pm. Then had to wait for Mr Dave cos he got detained for don't know how long. In the end,we left first. The plane ride was not bad at all although my bum had to suffer for what? 17 hours? I munched a total of 3-4 packets of peanuts in the plane. :D
The place we're staying in is not bad. Quite cold. We(LW,Gina,Val and I) watched a freaky sick movie of A leprechaun after dinner. Sick man the show. :/
Mr Remy went for the technical meeting and said that we have to run 4 rounds of the 100m (if we get into Finals). So it'll be heats,quarters,semis and then finals. Oh well. Just run. And we HAVE to run 4x400m! Omg.
To Ira:
Sorry cutayyeee! Couldn't reply your msg cos I was already here. Yeah,I left yesterday morning. SEEEEE YOUUU! :)
Okay.. I gtg now. Unpack,wash up etc. GOOD DAY PEOPLE IN SG! :D I'm going to sleep. :) It's 10pm here btw. :D
{ 12:53 PM }
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I am currently doing some last minute packing and printing of worksheets. And I'm hungry. :(
Came back from Mustafa Centre a while ago just to buy.... locks. Shit man. I'm really hungry.
Let's see what I HAVE NOT packed:
-Hand carry bag
-Books :(
-My stomach (I AM DAMN HUNGRY!)
My legs are freezing cos I JUST dipped them in ice water. Oh. My. God. My bag... is quite full cos of the food I'm bringing. :) Cup noodles etc. But seriously,I can't eat anything much there either. Limited to only fish. Let's eat 'em Cuzzie.
I shall do a pb there with problems or no problems. We shall fight for 4x100m. I don't care. We have to! :D I'm psyched! I have to do a pb. I want do a pb. I must do a pb.
Mr P. smsed me and I seriously have NO idea what he's talking about but I just know he's telling us to run hard for the 4x100m. WE'RE NOT RUNNING 4X400m either. :D I can't wait for 4x100m. :D Let's just pray we don't screw up and everything will be justtttttt fineeeee. :D
Okay. I shall proceed to praying and sleeping after I finish printing what I need to print. :) Goodnight World! San Francisco,here I come! :D
Take care my hunny bunnies. :)
{ 1:04 AM }
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Having the Financial Literacy thingy now. It's the SAME thing we did last year except that they changed some. I don't like it. Talk about saving money etc. Not my type.
Yesterday was DA BOMBXZX! I swear. It was soooo fun!! and ummm. sweaty.. I love playing "Dodgeball" that's what they call it but I like calling it WAR. Hahaha! Reminds me a lot of the History war trench thing. :D
We went to the field after that and played like tape your partner's and your leg together and run to and fro. Surprisingly,Sha and I won. We were laughing and damn kaku la. Kept falling down.
They switched off the lights and it was dark so we played with bunga api whatever it's called in English.. Sparklers? It was really really fun. *ehem*Talked to Ilma Nur Jannah after I bathed. Talked and talked and talked. <3I woke up with a very painful shoulder at 6.55am. Yes,from the nerve pinching "game" from Khai and Zakir who attacked many many people.
Morning training was at 7am by the way. Only 4 of us trained. Stretch,jog 6 minutes,stretch 10 minutes again. Super slack. For once,I didn't feel tired at all. None of us were. :D
I spent one WHOLE English period reading Shakespeare stuff. His quotes taken from Romeo and Juliet,Hamlet,King Lear is really deep. I likeeeee. :D Chim but cool. :)
Okay,I shall just TRY to pay attention for the LAST 10 minutes of Math.... :(
P.S: I shall upload pictures sooooooooooooooooooon. :D
{ 11:35 AM }
Monday, July 7, 2008
I am so lost. My mind wants to pack,but my body doesn't. Like seriously. And I really don't know what to bring. Okay Habibah.. You're worrying too much. Homeworks are no problem for now cos I've got only English on Macbeth and Malay. I have Math,English and Art tomorrow. Math,Malay and CDP on Wednesday. Super slack.
I shall not sleep in English class even if my eyes are like -.- that already. I want Mr Royston back for Math! All the sudden change of teachers. Mr Audi's leaving. He prbly left already. I DON'T KNOW! Oh my gosh.
Talking about leaving and etc etc. I THINK I would like to write an email to Dallas Friday now via her dad. So yes,later people!
{ 2:33 PM }

Let's jet off to far away places.
Good morning everybody. My sleep was not as bad.
Checking in tonight and I'll be going home on Wednesday. Oh my. Time fliessssss. I prbly have to stay up on Wednesday and then just sleeeeeep in the plane.
I HAVEN'T PACKED! I HAVEN'T GOTTEN MY TRACKING FORM! I am in trouble. I shall pack bit by bit today. But the packing list is not as helpful as I thought it would be.
Oh and in the packing list they put BOOKS as a must. Which means we have to do our work there. Is there internet connection? Hmmm.
I dreamt the other night that I messaged someone if they had extra spikes. Hahaha! Okay,not the point. The point is I have to bring like spares in case something happens. *Touch wood*
I shall pack,get my clothes in order,get my contact lenses(that'll only be on wed).. I need thos pills Gina mentioned about! I cannot run with cramps,I swear.
Probably be in school early today to warm up. Ok. I'm excited for nothing. Happy Youth Day! :)
{ 10:50 AM }
Okay. So I got Air Traffic. It's good enough. :D
{ 1:28 AM }

Chisel my heart out of stone
Okay,I really didn't do anything much today. I woke up at 2.45pm. I just didn't want to wake up. I woke up at 11am but I didn't want to get up. So I dragged myself to more sleep.
I've got warm ups tomorrow. Plus,I need to change the song on this blog. Getting pretty old. I wanted to put No Time For Tears by Ashlee Simpson but they don't have it yet. I'll prbly put The Honorary Title or Silverstein. :D
I really love my parents even if I don't show it. They do get on my nerves sometimes but what the heck,they've done a lot more than I have for them.
Anyway,I just realised that Coke calms me down. Like I'm happy with Coke. Coke makes me feel GOOOOOD! :D
I think I shall put myself to sleep now. Goodnight!
I've got a few messages of the day but I'll just put one down. I added the red words:
Why not just focus on the MANY other things your mum/people have done INSTEAD of being miserable over the bad things.
{ 12:45 AM }
Saturday, July 5, 2008

{ 10:26 PM }