Monday, June 30, 2008
YO YO! Wala was GREAT! I swear! :D Keep the suspense going. :P Update soon. :D Astronomy class going on now. ROCKS MAN! :)
{ 7:44 PM }
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hello! My weekends were okay. Had that YOG thing. It was okayyyy la. Not so good,not so bad. Just okay.
Besides that,my life has been less stressful already. Yes,week one was HELL busy and packed. I survived it! :D
Wala's tmr! Can't wait. I pray that we'll run well for 4x100m and I pray that I'll run well for my 100m.
Let's rock CCK people! :D
Geez... Astronomy test tmr. I hope I do well. :/ Star gazing's tomorrow night also. WOO HOO!! :D That's like the only thing I look forward to for school.
REMINDER!-Bring passport-Bring performance attire-Bring umm money-Bring Confidence{ 4:10 PM }
Friday, June 27, 2008
I think I got no life. 3 posts. No la. This one is the unforgettable one. Save the best for last.
At the same time,I'm nervous.{ 9:30 PM }

We killed a lizard on Sunday night. The death was really gross! I swear. We didn't even know we killed it until we pulled MY bed out.
We met our new English teacher. Mr. Jiow. Kinda nice. :)
My nights were really really busy. Had the council thing on Tuesday night after 9pm in the function hall. Hehehe. That is there for a reason. ^^
Oh yes. I owe Wei Ning and Val money cos I was broke. :/

Miss Olivia and Mr Ben reached on Thursday.
OH! I screwed up my 5th announcement on Monday.

The Thais came to our school. I met the girl I took a picture with last year. Her name's Soh and I named her The Yala Girl(picture) on Friendster last year. She's standing beside me in this one. :)

We stayed up late doing the editing and stuff for the History project. See the time? Yeah. We were still in the iMac lab then. :)
I had FOUR sleep ins. :D Syiokkkkk.
My sleeping hours this week ranged from 5-7 hours only. I slept at 1 last night,woke up at 6am today.
And I got pissed for the FIRST time today ever since school started. Idiot.
{ 8:41 PM }
Omg. I am damn damn damn tired. I CANNOT get migrain now. (I MAY get it btw) Anyway,the interview with Sebastian Tan was GREAT!
Then had WALA meeting. WHOO! We've got our attires. Lemme tell you. The jersey is DAMN thin. I like the track suit although it's black. I LOVE the white socks. Liang Wei likes the other pair of socks. Weird sia.
After the meeting we had training. I thought training was like chicken feet,damn slack. Then suddenly after 4x80m, Mr P said ok. One more 80m then 400m. EVERYONE face change sia. EVERYONE= LW,Ching Yi(300m),Sarah,Gina,Val and I. WE WERE DAMN SHOCKED LA! The wind was crap I swear. :(
I didn't have sst though. Like reach school DAMN late. 8.50pm.
Did project presentation. It was GOOD. :) Then bla bla bla. No training on thursday. Had morning training today and it was okay. :) I guess that's about it? Highlights and pictures next post la.
{ 8:28 PM }
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Three days of school have passed and it has been the most busiest ever! I swear.
Firstly,I slept at 1.30am on Sunday. Chiong my Science and studied for Geog. That was the worst. After I finished,it was a bit more chilled. :D Yeah,and I didn't even unpack my things. Like only put bed sheet,pillows then that's all. Straight away do work. I STILL HAVEN'T UNPACKED MY BOOK! I only took out the Al-Quran and put it on my book rack. The ONLY thing I took out to put on my racks.
Tuesday,I slept at 12.30am. Do English book review. I did on Pride and Prejudice. :D Then not much already.
We did our interview with Sebastian Tan yesterday. He was REALLY REALLY friendly. Damn fun! Okay. I shall umm post more on this later. Cos I gotta go. :)
{ 12:53 PM }
Sunday, June 22, 2008
It's raining. The track's gonna be wet. :( My nails are blunt. Not so but yeah. Blunt. Nvm Habibah. Just run. Don't think so much. Pbs will come. :D
I've got 2 hours to get ready. Warm up today was cold. And cos earpieces is a pain the ass,I used headphones. Okay. Whatever. I should go.
ps: I need to do my unfinished work once I get back. :(
{ 9:36 AM }
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Event 505. Time 1500. U15 Girls 100m SF 1 & 2.
I have to be at Gombak at 1 tmr. Right? I'll just be there at 1. They didn't give any specific timings for the event. So yeah. 2 hours before event. I shall do a pb. Qualify for Finals. Do a pb again. :) I. Want. It. Badly. Time to run what you ran for training,Habibah.
Sheesh. I have to start packing already. :( Clothes are no problem.
Things I need:
Facial Soap
Pimple Cream(just in case)
Geog Book
History Book
Malay File
CDs (Hehehe)
Files of school work
School Bag
School Uniform
That thumbtack thingy
I guess that's about it? I'll prbly rmbr more along the way when I pack. Right now. I've got no more time to waste cos I have to sleep early and I have yet to finish the ppt. I have to finish the ppt,pack then sleep.
What I need for tomorrow:
NB Socks
Fav Competition Attire (Inside Out)
Water Bottle
Change of clothes
Okay. Bye.
{ 2:54 PM }
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tomorrow. And Sunday. Let's rock Gombak people! :D
{ 10:40 PM }
Yesterday was one hell of a day. But I liked it. Kinda. Training was super duper cruper fruper hot! I swear. The sun was draining my energy. *wink wink* Hahaha! Inside joke. The track was burning hot! What more,we were doing blocks. So yeah,there came the pouring of water and burning soles. I think I was the only one who felt it. Liang Wei didn't feel her sole burning. Worse,I wore super THIN socks. Forgot my THICK NB socks.
Did 2x80 and 2x60. I ran with muscle aches from shoulder to toe. I think my shoulder has a problem. The pain has been going on and off ever since last year. :/

Then had council training for morning assembly duties. I was doing fine for announcement,command and flag. I got distracted for pledge. By two step-wear-the-NFA-shirt-all people a.k.a the distractions. HAHA! I had to re-recite the pledge at least THREE times cos of them. But it was fun. HOT! Had lunch,went home and rushed.

Went to Orchard to do the survey on abortion thing. WE GOT 64 PEOPLE! Got ignored by three groups. But hell,that beats the ignored ones. I shall tackle easier ones at Gombak on Sunday. Me and Nadhra just asked people at Cine. Easiest! Some were quite enthu also. :D After that,she went back,I went to Borders. Spent like 45 mins browsing. Not even close to the CD section. Talking about CD,I didn't go to HMV! Eek! Some other time. Sat down at McCafe,read up my Geog.
My legs were breaking. I was tired. From the muscle aches,the intervals,the training,the survey which lasted for about 2 hours? Slept at 12.45,I think. Woke up at 1pm. HAHA! :D No training. Rest day.
Nat juniors is TOMORROW! Race is on SUNDAY! Need to break 13! Need need need! Gombak and body,please please please be good to me. And please please please let me get what I want. :)

Thank you for everything you've done for us,for the family. I love you! <3
{ 2:32 PM }
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I'm back. Training was pretty tiring today. Maybe cos I didn't train for three awful days. And yeah. I had sort of a like one on one training with Mr P cos the rest slacked like freeeeee. Jog,stretch,massage. Me? I jogged,stretched,drills,stride,single leg bounding,gym. Five set of squat jumps killed me. And push ups. Thanks Hin Ann for the compliment. HAHAHA! :)
We walked to Causeway and all of us were damn high. Okay. Mostly me. But you don't get this everyday. Only person we were missing was Liang Wei. You can call it a full TeamPedro minus the juniors plus Ying Jia who was the only junior. Haha!
We talked about lame jokes. Omg! Really really lame. Purple Passion and Green Ping Pong Ball all. Wth. I think my laughter caused the stares. Whatever. I'm living life. No no no,more like Laughing life. Hahaha! Lame.
The programme for Wala Sing came out already. FIRST DAY ALL THE WAYYYYY! Woohoo! Two races one day,run once for each. :D I wonder where they'll stay...
I've got less than 120 hours to complete my projects,study,and PACK! Oh my f.... Pack! HEAR THAT? PACK! SCHOOL! HOSTEL! Nah,I don't mind hostel life. SCHOOOOOOOL! What the fish. PACK! I seriously can't wait for the December holidays and I prayyyyyyy I don't have to move anymore. LEVEL 8 FOREVER! December holidays packing will be soooooo much fun. Pack out. Not pack in.CHECK IN ON SUNDAY IS FROM 8 TO 9! Oh my god. Check in. I swear I'm going to stay up and I'll have a roommate again! After she,gone for don't know how long. :D
& Stop scolding off.
Just do the work.
{ 9:05 PM }
Let's talk about KL first. Don't talk about what we ate the first day. Bloody nice! Sushi King babeeeee. We went to search for our clothes to wear to the concert. Not we la. Me. Hehehe. Cos I couldn't be bothered to search at home. -.- My dad's hotel was sooooooo much nicer than ours.
Anyway,I woke up at 11am the next morning. Life when you're off track for a while. :) Waking up at 11 is like GOOD life! Went to Mid Valley to search for pants. Cos I didn't have any. I couldn't wear black skinnies,so yeah. Went back to the hotel. Got ready then left.
We were like half overdressed,half not overdressed. Anyway,our table was somewhere in the middle so it's okay. As for me,after eating,I went to the FRONT FRONT FRONT to take pictures. My sis handed me her slr to take pictures. It rocks! Not the camera. Well,the camera's okay but yeah. Taking pictures at the very front rocks. Pictures turned out pretty good also. Kinda. Uncle Rosli's pictures were nice! Especially when he was playing with his pink/red electric guitar. PRETTY! The fans were AWESOME! If it were to be a REAL REAL concert,I wouldn't doubt that thousands and thousands of them would turn up. Cos the last REAL REAL concert they had,6 to 7 thousand people turned up. Cool huh. :D
After the concert,had the autograph signing. I lost the freaking RM200 worth of souvenirs. :( I only found out the next morning. After the signing,we went for dinner at Kunang Kunang. God knows where that place is at. It was like 2.30am already then. Got back at the hotel at like 3.30am? Close to 4. Cik Aini and Wak Yah's family came to pick Kak Ida up. Yes,they came after the concert. :) I slept at like 5am.... I think this is normal concert life if you're one of those helpers etc. Like you get home REALLY late! Sleep BLOODY late. BUT! Very very very FUN! Damn good experience. :D
We,the three families,went to Janda Baik. THE SUNGAI WAS BLOODY REFRESHING! Photographer of the trip decided to jump in,in the end. Not with the camera,duh. But it was AWESOME! Went to eat with Uncle Ramli and a few of them after that.
Days after this,nothing much happened. So yeah. Normal. That's about it I guess.
{ 7:17 PM }
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hello hello. I'm at a place called Vertigo. Hahaha! I wish. KL has been friendly and unfriendly to me. The concert was AWESOME! I don't really know the songs but it was great. The fans were G-R-E-A-T! I'll upload pictures once I'm back in SG. The horror. Projects. Tests. School. NAT JUNIORS!!! Oh my god. Yes ah. 100m. :)
Anyway,besides the concert and the drive up to Janda Baik. Everything's pretty normal. Dad got sick righttttt after the concert. Uncle Ramli got sick a day before the concert. :/
Janda Baik was fun. I was so reluctant to jump into the sungai but I'm glad I did. Cold but what the heck,very very refreshing. It's not everyday that you get a day's off and forget about totally EVERYTHING. Everything that has been bothering you.
I'm going back tmr. Another 6 hours of sleeeeeeeeep and umm,I don't know. Pig.
June holidays makes me feel so depressed. Gets me exhausted. Gives me time limits. Suck. I can't wait for December to come. No homework. No projects. Just training. That's HOLIDAY! Ok la,not for training maybe but you get the point. We can go for holiday holiday in December cos it's kinda off season. :) Can't. Wait.
I shall not waste anymore time and get my work going. The ones I've promised. Goodnight!
I'll wait for you,You know I will.{ 11:27 PM }
Friday, June 13, 2008
Okay. I seriously have nothing better to do. Changed my skin! :D I think it will be quite familiar to some people. Does the drawing ring a bell? Or does the heading ring a bell? Anyone? Hehehehe. Okay. I am off to sleep. Goodnight world!
{ 1:40 AM }

I found this picture on Google. Dad's the one wearing white and sleeveless. :) I am just really bored right now. So yeah. I shall go to sleep soon after printing what I can study in the bus tomorrow. We're gonna rock Berjaya Timesquare! Hahaha. And I just realised,I've got no proper training programme. Just jog(if I can),and stride(if I can). Mr P. even said you can try to stride outside your hotel room. A bit of noise but nevermind. Hahahah! Damn cute.
Oh yes,his second massage today was more painful. It shouldn't be you know. But I was starting to twist and sit up everytime he pressed at THAT injured spot. Like Bulls Eye! :/ The horror of injuries. :(
{ 12:56 AM }
Thursday, June 12, 2008
OMG! I just lost a whole bunch of info on the other comp! Screwed man. Thank God I've got back up. For a person who's leaving tmr,I'm really bad at packing. I'm not even packing! I am somehow not looking forward to this trip. :/ Holidays...
{ 8:56 PM }
My mum woke me up at 6 in the morning but I refused to wake up and reply her cos I knew training was at 11. I HAD to when she woke me up multiple times. Dreams interrupted. I forgot what it was about anyway. So yeah.
I almost got run by a motorcycle while crossing the road. :/ And it was going full speed. Duh. It's not a road for people to cross. So my fault there. Training was okay. We FINALLY did gym after not doing at all this week. It was mostly track the past two days minus yesterday cos yesterday was pool.
All the normal squat jumps,jet etc,ankle jumps. Did blocks in between sets. I think im writing this down cos I got nothing better to write.
Didn't eat. Went straight home.
My bus ride was so freaking depressing la. I was thinking of how much fun people would have at SINGFEST singing to Travis and Alicia Keys and One Republic. Fine,my mind was only on how people would be singing to Travis. And how this year would probably be the BEST SingFest year for me. I have never seen Travis perform ever before. And I was thinking,if I did go,it would be the BEST concert in my life. I can imagine them singing Closer and Re-Offender and Beautiful. Ah. Heaven!
Why did it have to be on the 2nd and 3rd August? Why? Why? Why?!

I CAN IMAGINE THEM DOING THAT!!! Depressing. And the people screaming and jumping!! Depressing. And I won't be there. DEPRESSING! :(
Whatever Habibah.
{ 2:35 PM }
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
We had sort of a Girls Day Out today. Many couldn't make it. Like Sha,Elisa(DUH!) and Hamizah. We still had fun though. Walking around Marina Square aimlessly. Wanting to sneak in for Sex and The City. Failed of course. Giving attitude to the counter people whom I think one of them is gay. Hahaha! Selling our tickets to 2 people. Making the sellers pissed cos we sold our tickets to them without the ID thingy checked. Serves them right! And that Mr. Nice Guy who tried to refund our tickets. Eng Wah sucks la. At least at GV or Cathay they let you refund your tickets for another show. Business your head ah! No refund policy make what business.
Oh yes and me saying to the gay guy with a SUPER straight face. "Nevermind. It's okay. You guys suck. I'm never gonna come here again." And walked off. HAHAHAH! He was prbly shocked and stunned. Whatever,I don't care. Good enough that I didn't throw the tickets at him. Cos if I did,I would have made a scene. :)We took neo prints(?). Been AGES since we did all this stupid things. And the machine was pretty cool. They had this infrared thing so you can send like the pictures from the machine straight to your phone. I got a few. But I shall not post the bad ones. OMG! Talking about bad ones,what happened to our baddest? The boxers and cannot make it boxers?! Oh wells.
TODAY WAS DA BOMBZXZ! Loved it! Although we couldn't get in but we still did something productive. Like sit outside for 15 mins like LOSERS! But! We are not. They are. :P
{ 9:16 PM }
Okay. I'm tired piece of shit right now. Can barely open my eyes but I shall tahan and really get the Science project done. Well,at least half way through. And Google Docs suck. Mr Lau is gonna kill us cos we're not uploading files there. Suck big time.
Anyway,training today was damn slack. Played basketball then pool. We only did 3 sets of high knees in the pool. I thought I was supposed to do pool training but Mr P said "Nvm. Just enjoy yourself in the pool." The best! Oh yeah. Divya fell and had multiple cuts. I think the most painful one would be the one on her ankle. It was really deep. I could feel her pain.
The sky was really very weird when we were playing basketball. It was those kind like "Oh no, tornado coming" kind or those like "Oh no! End of the world!". It was freaky,really. But kinda cool in a way. Like hey,you don't see this everyday. There were holes in the clouds also. Cool stuff. Had lunch. Talked and talked for like an hour plus. I'm gonna make this interesting and post 2 posts. Hehehe. :D
{ 9:01 PM }
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I must have no life at all. Posting three times a day. I'm damn bored. I JUST started on work. Well done,Habibah! Was talking to Angela then Elisa came to mind. That girl syiok sia. ONE WHOLE MONTH in SWEDEN!
I can't wait for school to start and part of me,don't want school to start at all. I want school to start cos then,I can go crazy all over again. Back to hostel life. Back to night talks. Back to horny dinners. -.- Hahaha!
I don't want to go back to school cos then,I'll have to mug like free. No more slacking. Train like free. No more slacking. Hand in work. Actually,once I get all these over and done with. I'll be quite free. But I hate the process of doing it. Thinking of completing it makes me feel like I'm in heaven. Hahaha!
I shall get started with work soon and move out to the living room. Cos this bed is too tempting for me to lie down and watch One Tree Hill or do any other stuffs other than work. Psh! Need to heat my leg. Give me mercy. Please. I cannot give everything up now. Not now.
OH MY GOD! IM CRYING ALREADYYYYY! Divya told me this morning about this concert where they're gonna have Travis,Simple Plan,Alicia Keys and all. So I googled it and it's SingFest 08!! I WANT TO GO!!! My hopes were a bit up when I saw 2nd and 3rd August. Ran to the kitchen and it showed 11th Thailand Sports School Games. 27 August-3rd August.
Ran back to the room and checked the line-up. TRAVIS IS PLAYING ON SATURDAY WHICH IS ON THE 2ND!!! Omg. I AM SO FREAKING SAD!! I am coming back on the 3rd of August!! THE SADNESS!!!! Life Sucks. Hello,TRAVIS! WE'RE TALKING ABOUT TRAVIS HERE!! Tsk! I wanna cry. :'({ 8:28 PM }

Today sucked real bad. I couldn't run at all! After stridings,all changed to spikes except me. So I went to Mr P and asked what I'm doing.
Mr P: Okay,do 3x100m striding. How did you feel when doing the stridings just now?Me: Umm it wasn't very painful but I could feel it.Mr P: Okay,then don't do the stridings. Just do the exercises.I was so :/ Bad enough I couldn't run the 200m. Can't even stride. After I finished my exercises,Mr P pressed my leg. It was FREAKING painful!! I could have cried! I could have also tore my shirt. It was torture. I was lying down biting my shirt in pain. He pressed really really deeeeeeep. :( Then after that he said,
"If you see any blue black,it's okay. I'll press it again before you leave." O.M.G!
Okay. I'm gonna take a nap. Then type out the thing Mrs Lu wants. Have to email by tonight. Let's see.. SCIENCE! -.- And finalise that History thing. Thank God I'm staying home. Had too much of the outside world.
I wanna run.I wanna get back.Recover & Run.All the best to those going for Asian Jrs! :)
{ 1:09 PM }
I take back what i said last night about being the happiest girl. I was a sad one when i went to sleep. :( My sleep was freaking distracted! Grr..
Leg's not giving mercy at all. I have 200m today. I want to run and not sit there like some slacker. Whatever,up to Mr P to decide.
I looked myself in the mirror and saw like 2 small little mountains on my head. Guess that was from the baton Liang Wei threw when i wasn't looking. She thought i was gonna catch it but i was looking elsewhere.
Good day people!
{ 6:56 AM }
Monday, June 9, 2008
{ 10:05 PM }
I had multiple dreams last night. Don't want to discuss about them. *wink wink* Hahahaha!
I started the morning really really slowly. Like I took THE longest time to get ready for school. Tsk tsk.
Anyway... Today must be one those unlucky days for me. Firstly,I stood at the back gate for FIVE awful minutes with lots and lots of ants on the ground pressing the stupid button so that security would open the gate for me. Unfortunately,they didn't.
I really wanted to do my warm up already and not waste time. Soooo. I climbed the fence and got multiple "injuries". Drivers were prbly staring at me like "What in the world is this girl doing?!" There's only one answer people. "I want to get into the school as fast as possible." Stupid fence. Why'd you have to be so wobbly? You prbly made me look like an idiot on top of you. Eww eww eww. Sounds wrong.
I got those deep cuts climbing the fence,a torn pants and three holes on a shirt. Cos all got stuck! Even my hands!! Anyway,while I was walking out. Gina asked me where I climbed from and I was like "OMG! There's a dent where I climbed!". The cuts kinda painful now. Well,a bit. The one with lots of scratches is.
Training was really really really good!! I LOVED IT! We did an easy 4x100m(treat it as heats or semis) and one hard 100m(prbly like finals). And I did well! :D
Oh yeah. The History thing was today also and I'm kinda impressed cos we only decided on our person today,and got a few angles shot. :D We're doing on Calvin Kang by the way. And Ivan is such an asshole,I swear.

Anyway,Ilma and I went to the airport cos she wanted to see Khai and I teman her. Hehehehe! *wink wink* There's a story behind that but I shall NOT share it here. Only me and Ilma know about it. HAHAHA!
I'm probably the happiest girl right now! Wheeeeee. :D
{ 7:38 PM }
Sunday, June 8, 2008

These were from the disposable camera Val bought for Dipna. Except for the 2nd pic though. That was frm Val's SLR. :D There are more though. Just that I can't access to it now. :( And you can see the two bimbo wannabes in the first picture. HAHAH!
{ 10:46 PM }

You horny partner. HAHAHAH!
You chio girl.
You noisy girl.
You long nails girl.
And yes,everyone's been looking forward to the meet up!! This Wednesday right right right? Hahahah! Can't wait! Love you hun! <3 We will all be 14 soon so don't cry. :)
{ 6:35 PM }

Yesterday was DA BOMBZXZ! It was Dipna's birthday. All has passed except for mine. And I'll forever be the youngest. :D
Anyway,we the Star Karats went over to Dipna's house for like a small gathering. Took lotsa lotsa pictures at the park. Yes,at 10pm + and I scared Dipna with my hanging face while standing on the swing. Scared myself also. Haha!
I slipped and fell when I wanted to get up from the road. But it wasn't those fall fall,it was those out of balance kind. Was in a rush to get up cos I thought there was a car coming.
We had ice cream. Like Bal would say "Sinners". It was so damn nice. But before that,they had jambu. And Val was like "Calvin,you want jambu?" to the milo tin! Hahaha! And with Bal getting her face ALL red after Val said she looked A BIT like Preity Zinta. Hahahaha! Happy happy Bal. And the thing we had with Lucy. HAHAHHA!
It was great. I had fun and sadly,I couldn't laugh as loud as I did at Fort Canning. But oh wells,I loved the night. Love!
{ 5:27 PM }
Saturday, June 7, 2008

The day that you start thinking that love is overrated is the day that you’re wrong.
I was watching the last few episodes of One Tree Hill Season 5 yesterday. And there was this quote said by Haley that caught me off guard. That quote up there,was part of it. Anyway,I really really really hope Lucas marries Peyton. And I kinda watched a spoiler. They said RACHEL'S gonna be BACK!!! YAY! I'm so happy. Kinda miss that bitch. Hahaha! Really,Season 5 was boring without her. I hope they bring the bitchy Rachel in Season 4 back. :D
Okay. I'm heading off now to meet Val and Bal then to Dipna's house later. Cheers!
{ 6:17 PM }
Friday, June 6, 2008
I'm feeling much better today. But not for training. My leg was hurting like crap. Couldn't run properly. And I had to limp for my 300m cos I couldn't bear the pain. Liang Wei didn't come and everybody was asking for you babe. So we did a 3x100m. Second runner is so weird. I keep hitting the baton on my leg. :/ Val deserves to be third cos she's good at curves and i suck at those. Hahaha!
Ate at Macs. Jannah and Maybelline joined us. :) Meixian didn't have class. Gina sounds like a man. Hahaha.
Oh I had the LEAST sleep ever that when I boarded the bus,I fell asleep straight away. Almost missed the stop also. :(
I was really really HIGH after training. Singing Le Disko. And New Fei(?) saying that I looked like a mad woman listening to heavy metal(headbanging y'know). Le Disko's addictive! :D And Le Disko is NOT heavy metal. Hahahah!
Let's see.. My dad kinda dragged me to this Music Store at Dhoby Ghaut. I don't now where it is but yeah.
I saw this pretty one. It was $2,250. So coooool. I want one. :( And I want to import a car here. Guess the car... 1963 Mercury Comet. Or... If I can't have that. Prbly a Cadillac Eldorado? Sweeeeeet. :D Damn it,I have to be rich for that.
Meixian mentioned about homework just now and the sound of it makes me wanna jump down a building. Wanna know why? Cos I haven't even done a SINGLE thing.
Hate. June. Holidays.
Hate. Holiday. Homework.
We're gonna ride the racecars.
We're gonna dance on fire.
We're the girls Le Disko.
Supersonic Overdrive.{ 6:16 PM }
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Do you guys wanna hear me scold or be nice? I'll be nice first.
Did well for training today although the weather wasn't very nice to us esp to Liang Wei. Anyway,we got a ride from Yusof who drove Liang Wei home then us to Causeway. :D
Reached home and Bal called. Asked whether I could make my way down to Fort Canning Park. So I rushed there. It was THE craziest picnic ever. Apparently,I was the only TeamPedro! person there. But it was fun! I couldn't stop laughing at the stupidest thing ever. Like how I replied Val when she was a Level 2 monkey. And how we were really horny with that long pocky thing. HAHAHHAAH! OMG!
Anyway..... I hope that bloody pervert dies! No no. NOT HOPE. I WANT HIM TO! He can go f.o! Should have punched him. Should have kicked him in the balls. Should have called the police. All the should haves. I shall have no mercy on these kind of people. Disgrace to society,seriously. If I see him tmr,he'll get my fist and a taste of my words. He'll prbly hide in his freaking house after that. He haunts me,I'll haunt him back. Curse him man. Stupid No Balls Bastard.
And to my dear Muslihah,I'm sorry for what happened. You know I'm just a call away babe. We'll be here for you,don't worry. And yeah.. You pengsan. HAHAHAH! -.-
And to that other person. Yeah,you are my used-to-be best friend. But what the heck,I gained more than I lost. You my friend,lost more than you gained. We didn't drift away from you,YOU drifted away from us. So,we're done trying. I love those I have now and sadly maybe,you don't want to be loved by us. That's your problem.
STILL! I want that perv to be dead. I'll be jumping for joy if I flip through the papers tmr and see him dead. :) Yes,I have no mercy on pervs.
{ 10:35 PM }
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Okay. I promised to update right? But I'm just SO lazy. :) Fine,fine.

We were the WACKIEST people at the airport. At first,it was only me and Mus. We went to the Crowne Plaza hotel washroom. Kinda creepy before you enter it. Yes,and I got pushed twice to open the door for them. Syirah best. Told her to open then she moved forward and said "Tak nak." So I had to open it for her. -.-
We went to Terminal 2 to eat at Fish & Co. They were playing acoustic versions of songs. Like Don't Stop The Music,Promiscuos. Promiscuos still NEVER leaves us. :D Anyway,when we were done,Syirah said she didn't bring. So I thought she didn't bring her money. My heart was beating so damn fast. I took the bill and it was like $71.35!! Freaked me out okay. But in the end,she had a $50 bill. Turned out,she didn't bring her NETS CARD! Make me scared. Thought we were gonna have to wash dishes! -.-
Anyway,I bet people were staring at me when I suddenly ran and burst out laughing. OH MY GOD! IT WAS FREAKING FUNNY I SWEAR! I don't know how to explain it here but it's bloody funny. People at the restaurant prbly looked at me like I'm out of my mind.
Before we left T2,we saw this 2 gays. Seriously,if you wanna do some THINGS,go to Hotel 81 or something where you can do ANYTHING together. -.-
Walked back to T3 and wanted to go to the Viewing Mall but all we could see was nothing except for the shops at the check in place there. Maybe that's their Viewing Mall. HAHAHHA! Okay,lame.

So we decided to go to T1 and talk for like an hour plus. Went home later. LOVE YOU GUYS TO BITS AND PIECES! <3
{ 9:41 PM }
Monday, June 2, 2008
you know why i think she doesn't eat sausages at school ?
cause she scared people tease her that her lips resemble 'emHAHAHHAHAHA! I'm laughing my ass off over that!
Anyway,yesterday was DA BOMBZXZ! Mus temaned me to the airport. Then we called Syirah to meet us. I WOULD LOVE TO UPDATE what we did but I'm so tired. Prbly tmr with the pictures and stuff.
Training wasn't the best. I couldn't run after the 2nd rep cos of my hamstring. Gonna ice it soon cos i THINK i found the spot. I'm so tired. I think I'm gonna sleep soon. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Dream of anything and everything.
{ 10:13 PM }