Wednesday 30th January 2008 is not an ordinary day
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Hahaha. I forgot what happened yesterday. Mostly tests and art. Geog and Math was quite ok. But i had to squeeze my brain a little for Geog Section C. Math was sort of like manageable. :) Art was getting a bit boring and i felt so sleepy,i almost slept on my guitar. heh.
Had psycho after that. and then trained. Warmed up for 10 minutes anywhere and jogged with kesh two laps indoor track. The paceeee.... was quite fast. Anyway, we did intervals. I didn't do the last 100m cos my calf was aboutttt to get cramps. So I stopped and it's still aching now. :/
Had massage session. I wrote an entry during SST. I think it's safe with me. :P Rec time. Slept.
Malay today was quite slack. Went through karangan and oral like our mistakes and stuff.
Science was
CONFUSING today. I really couldn't get what Mr Lau was talking about. The balanced equations and stuff. :/
Math we had a quiz. Mr Royston wasn't here and he sent a message to Andrew,Andrew showed it to me. He wrote his expectations and such. And when we sat for the test,I was like "if he knew,he would be reallyyyyy disappointed." tsk.
Highlights!During lunch,we were talking about 2007 memoirs. And it was so damn fun! It was so nice how we were talking about being the noisiest table last year,playing around at the dining table. It was soo fun. Happy times! :D and we were counting to something and it's gonna reach 50 soon. :PRight now,i feel like slumping onto my bed and that's what im gonna do soon after i change and get my stuff ready. Good Day!
{ 2:43 PM }
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I really really wanted to blog about today but the headache just came so maybe tmr and i've got the ringkasan filem to finish up. :( i don't like to do it on powerpoint. Makes me confuseddddd.
{ 9:53 PM }
How it sucks.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Right now,I'm studying Geog with a terrible headache. I can bang my head till it bleeds. Okay,that is being sadistic. :/ but i feel SOOOOO HORRIBLE now! part of me wants to throw up,sleep,and just get the freaking pain out!
Training today was one of the toughest for my body at this point of time. I felt SOO bloody weak!
Math and Geog test tmr. Im scared that i'll do badly and seriously,it's just Module 1!
okay whatever. Goodnight World! Go away headache! Go away virus! Just go away!
{ 10:33 PM }
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Work progress going slow! :( Chatted with Mus and Irdayu. it was so NONSENSE! really. and funny. lame jokes and all.
I'm kinda like freaking out cos my tests are coming and im no where near prepared. :( anyway,talked to Keshia on the phone. and currently talking to Mus. no wonder the Math is going slow.
Should I go for madrasah or not hm tmr? IM STILL SICK! :( like badly coughing and all. im a bad pupil. Goodnight!
{ 12:09 AM }
O Levels
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I have to start revising my Science cos seriously,i suck at it. And i guess i have to make it to pure science class if i wanna be something like a pilot related to it.
Anyway,seeing my seniors getting GREAT results for O's really make me wanna do well also. like WOW! people who said sports school students are STUPID,think again man! like seriously,i saw for myself what they went through. nights or studying at the void deck till midnight,training before. hardcore man.
And I wonder why we have no a day break from school since the seniors did well. COS CEDAR HAS! half day at least. right,MUS HAD that half-day. haha!
okay,i gotta go do my homework. Slack time's over bitch. :P
{ 9:34 PM }
Sick ol' Woman
Being sick sucks. I think a box of tissue wouldn't do. HAHA! And medication makes your body weak i swear. And i've been saying a lot of "I swear". i guess i know where i got that from. I rested pretty long after i got back from the doctor. Slept at 2.35 woke up at 7pm. The headache's killing me and i've got LOTSA work and revision to do. Goodbye and Goodnight!
and im such a LOSER to have forgotten. but i did wish her at 12mn. :D
Happy Birthday Nurul Shafiqah! love you roomie! :){ 8:20 PM }
Friday, January 25, 2008
oh and did i tell you that Macritchie on Thursday was all messed up at the end?? There was this man whom Mr Pedro has noticed for a VERY LONG time and he likes to look at girls. so when this man walked past us,he was looking at us UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT. so when Gina ran,he turned to look at Gina and Mr Pedro was like "Eh,why you looking at the girl?" So that man not happy like wanna beat Mr Pedro up. ALL OF US WERE ANGRY AT THAT MAN ALSO LA!! PERVERTIC,DISGUSTING OLD MAN! wahh,the anger like really felt like punching him in the face. I'll remember his face forever sey.
{ 10:40 PM }

YOG fever. -.-

Shi Yu and I. She's quiet. like really quiet!

The Science experiment thing.
School related post.
English. Speech Assignment and "MTV" video on Animal Farm thing which ALL of us failed and i swear Mr Audi was super duper disappointed. Tsk us.
Math. We finished most of Sets and Mr Haidar taught our last lesson.
Science. Again,I don't understand what in the world he's talking about. Like i asked," Are elements the same as atoms?" and he replied something chim and not straight to the point. grrr. very very irritated!
Malay. Had oral test on Wednesday and karangan test on Thursday. We ate prata that cikgu bought for us and watched Hanyut. I was super duper full. Didn't even eat FULL lunch today.
Geog. Normal population thing. Module test next Tuesday. OMG! NEXT TUESDAY! :(
History. Hmmm. Normal. Every lesson,I look forward to them. But I'm planning to take Geog. :D
so that's about it. and my mind hasn't been with me for the past week. like seriously!!! i can die!!! how am i gonna score?!?! I AM SCREWED!
{ 10:09 PM }
Home Sweet Home
I am
BACKKK! Finally!!
Anyway,i really don't know how Ilma can remember what she did for the whole week! haha. i can't even rmbr in detail what i did! but i guess i can try my best to give highlights of the week. :D
So Monday,i MISSED morning training!! Sha woke up at 5.15 for training and i woke up too. slept again and said,"ok,ONE more hour." anyway,i woke up without the alarm and saw it was all bright! checked my watch and it was 7.36am. i was like "OH SHITTTTT!!!!" I panicked and went to Krista's side and said,"Did I miss morning training?!" so after that i was like "SHIT SHIT SHIT!" as I was about to check my phone I heard Ilma shout. We BOTH missed morning training and I felt like crying really. so yeah msged and stuff then yeah.Then we had gym for training and then the release of the YOG finalists. and we qualified! so... YAY US! watched Songs of the Sea. it was OK la.
Tuesday,nothing much. Just had Cluster Activity and we watched One Missed Call. I was like OH NO! i don't wanna watch cos i knew i would get nightmares butttt i HAD to watch. SCREAM,SCREAM,SCREAM like nobody's business. haha. and Marcus is suchhhh an IDIOT! he scared me two times. well,i screamed the second time cos it was sort of like the scariest part of the movie. grrr...Oh and we used the LightGate for training. did intervals.
Wednesday,we had Mr Haidar who came from ASPIRE to teach us. i really like him. he's nice and all. so yeah. talking to him about Qatar's damn nice i tell you. and he kept on asking me about the Quran and stuff. and then he asked for my parent's name. so when i said "AHMAD",Weining was about to laugh. haha! Qataris are RICH!
SUPER DUPER RICH!Thursday was Macritchie and it was soooooo slack!
I LOVED IT!!! it was THE best Macritchie training ever! although we had to do 4x100m(1 set) and 3x80m(another set) 40 seconds rest in between reps and 2.5mins rest in between sets. Had to
PUMP like crazy man the heart. buttt! I LOVED IT!! Plus,it was cuzzie's,Mr Royston's and Desmond's birthday. This cousin,never even tell me his b'day was yesterday. I wished him though.
Today sucked. I felt
SOOOO horrible today in class. after lunch,i went to the Library with Sha cos she had remedial. but I left my bag there when Keshia answered my phone. so met and talked to her. played with her hair! that's lame i know. ok whatever.
We did long jump and it was fun. ate at KFC with most of TeamPedro then went back home. so now I'm here. and I've got SOOOO many things to do! :(
{ 9:26 PM }
How Life Really Suck
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I am in Malay class now. Just finished the Masalah Remaja karangan test and really,i had all the ideas but didn't know how to put into words. It was like masalah,then the akibat and then the bagaimana hendak mengatasinya thing. I don't know if that's good so yeah.
I am sick,i think. Life sucks really. English next,Science after.
OH MY GOD! Scienceeeee. I can cry man! I swear i don't understand a single thing Mr Lau was saying or saying the whole of every Science lesson. Helpppp!
And For Blue Skies is playing. How emo. -.-
Anyway,I messaged Mus last night only to embarass myself cos i told her to turn to page 10 of Berita Harian and said her best friend was there. So she checked and replied "huh? i only see some guy" or sth like that. Apparently,i was reading
MONDAY's Berita Harian. Haha! I shall not name who that person was but Mus is like anti her.
To Mus:Tak habis-habis muka dia. HAHAHAHA!I shall update about the week when i get home on friday night. :) Good Day!
oh and All The Best to those taking their O Level results today! :D
{ 10:10 AM }
Evil World
Sunday, January 20, 2008
World World World,
You're evil World
{ 11:27 AM }
Saturday, January 19, 2008
School was ok this week.
English was all about Animal Farm.
Maths was probability and sets. which was confusing in the beginning.
Science was sooo confusing!
Malay was mostly movie review on Employee of The Month.
Geography was nothing much. Just about population and stuff.
History. We watched "All Quiet On The Western Front". it was really sad. and then had this war thing we acted out. Really fun. Probably the lesson that lighted up my day.
So right now,im all lost. I don't know what to do. I will wake up feeling that today was a dream. Same as what happened today. I woke up feeling that yesterday was a dream. Goodnight World of Evil.
{ 7:57 PM }
Awards Night
This week was filled with anger,sadness and happiness.
So on Sunday night,we stayed up till like TWO am talking in grace's room. and everyone had morning training the next morning. i was REALLY tired! i slept in English when Animal Farm was being played on the screen.
There were one or two incidents i don't wish to state here. it was just out of pure jealousy and evilness.
Anyway,highlights of this week was
Awards/Graduation Night. it was SOOO much better than last year!! i really don't know where to start.
Most of us dressed up in Angela's room and then we took pictures also. everyone looked so nice. Divya called me fairytale. the seating was according to academy.
Anyway,the talks were as usual,
I think this year is a special year cos Mr Moo stepped down and we had our first batch of graduants who completed their full 4 years here. well,we had graduants last year too. but you get what i mean,they entered with the full 4 years people as sec 2s.
It was soo soo good! I got to see the seniors. it's been how long since they disappeared since after O levels.
I got to see my punch/whack/smack game buddies although there's only two of them. I think that's the only thing i do when i see them. Keshia totally remembered it and i got whacked the time i saw her. I think Sam didn't remember. i wanted to prank her but i thought she would remember cos she
ALWAYS does. i didn't do that. but instead,i pranked her with my camera.
I pranked quite a few with the camera. like i would say "Can you help me hold my camera?" and then drop it while it's strapped on my hand.I got a few
Oh My God! and a whack from Sam while
"That is so not funny." hahaha! but it's better than that game. :D
And Sha's heels got stucked at the swimming pool drain. so we had to help her out while Anders was looking weirdly at us. :/ Anders is mentioned here cos Joleen took a picture with a him before that and he was still hanging aroung there.
Ended up i walked with Hamizah and Joleen to find people to take pictures with. :D
It was nice to see people getting along and stuff. like at the end of the event,the back and front door of the auditorium was packed with people. the back was mostly current students taking pictures while the front was the graduants.
IT WAS THE BEST so far! :D
then my parents and i went to Macs at East Coast. Met Mahdi and wow,has he grown. then met Lutfi and Luqman also. my dad asked them whether they could accompany him to send back the car at the Pasir Ris carpark C which was
HELLLL freaky and eerie. :/
so reached home,and slept. will upload pictures soon! :D good day!
{ 4:10 PM }
Weird Dreams,Weird Sight
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I had a weird dream again last night. it was a nightmare + suspense kind of dream. :/
Anyway,had madrasah today. and i LOVE it especially the fact that i only have 3 books to bring rather than the normal 7 books or more. :D cos the subjects are all in one book. if only mainstream schools did that. it'll be money consuming. and they finally put the paper outside class clearer. like primary what or sec what. and who your uztazah is. mine's Uztazah Latifah. her teaching is kinda interesting.
And wani was being so ganas. i said to amira,'Sebab esok dia ada ncc camp pe,tu pasal ganas.' hahaha! it means cos she has ncc camp tmr,that's why she's rough. :P
I saw something very odd when the school van passed this Telok Kurau building,this arts school? i don't know. there was this man with a zoom zoom camera and he was taking something. i thought he was taking the building buttt... when my eyes shifted to where he was taking.....,
I saw this..

And the thing was like human + monkey sitting down with legs hanging in the air. I was like what the hell is that but the van passed already so yeah. It was pretty hairy. :/
Am gonna meet my mum to buy shoes and maybe bring the laptop to school to finish up the 500 word essay on Animal Farm. so yeah. good day people!
{ 2:50 PM }
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Couldn't open my eyes today when i woke up. was really really tired from the week. maybe cos i didn't sleep well in school.
The six of us. And i like being the little one. :)
anyway,had the YOG seminar in the morning. went with Mr Mak,Mr Ong,Nash,Hin Ann,Divya,Vas and Mel. yes,I was the ONLY sec 2. was kinda scared to volunteer myself but i did it. :D i think it was interesting. and JJC's councillors were really enthu and daring. i liked it. after the seminar,we went for lunch at BK. took pictures and more. Hin Ann and Vas left earlier. So the 4 of us went to Candy Empire,and then walked to the MRT station.
Looks real to me.
I would love to have a Liverpool bag. :)
Reached home at 3 and slept. OMG! i had a nightmare. it was imaginary ghost kind. :/ and i had a dream before i woke up. i dreamt i got a message and yeah. sighh,dreams.
I've got that Animal Farm assignment to do but im really exhausted. I'll just do it anyway. Tomorrow's packed for me.
{ 11:31 PM }
Friday, January 11, 2008
sunrise after training.
You're My Friend thing i pieced up before Macritchie. Destroyed.
I am back from school which i felt was
VERY VERY slow! like on wednesday i went,'what the hell,it's just wednesday! -.-'
I am tired. this week was pretty ok i guess.
SERIOUS muscle ache(mostly in the butt) on tuesday and wednesday. i couldn't run,couldn't sit. and Macritchie was good this week. i was in the mood. :) few pains here and there but it was good except for the rocks and stones which mede my leg buckle a few times.
School has been
BUSY! and SST has been oddly...quiet. the Sec 1s stood to greet which was very weird cos normally we just go in,sit down,take out books,study.
Science as per normal,crazy lessons.
English,Animal Farm and politics which was quite interesting to me. :) and most of the people were 'sleeping'. i like to listen to stories than write them down on paper. :P
Math,Probability and the 20% quiz of Module 1.
Geography and History,applying new rules. Raise up hand before answering and stuff. History has been interesting also. Geog,well,i just didn't like the workbook part.
Malay,some email letter thing to the sec 4 Higher Malays on Masalah Remaja(Teenagers Problem). and cikgu was like it's the 'show-off your malay' thing. like sec 4 Higher Malay and sec 2 Higher Malay.
MY malay,is KARAT! like WHOA KARAT! tsk tsk. :/
So anyway,i spent most of my Recreation nights doing nothing. only to go to Jannah's room 10 onwards. talked about stuff you don't need to know. :)
We had Gina's and Jannah's birthday too. Gina's birthday was havoc. the food were too much,too much. but it was good with cake throwing and stuff. :D
And today was the funniest day i've experienced in 2008. first it was this sec 1 table tennis guy who is either a pervert,or just a joker. Secondly,it was the
AngelaElisa-Khristine conflict. it was funny listening to them quarrel. Half of level 8 were in that room listening. HAHAHA! couldn't laugh harder after that.
There was
Hui Wen,
Wei Ning and
Angela. but some part of me was scared to get caught of umm
listening-to-a-verbal-fight-and-not-doing-anything-but-listen-and-laugh-at-the-funny-parts. heh. and all the 11 of us minus Dyana squeezed in the lift to yeah,you know. :D
training today was painful. my quarts(?) was painful but i still trained cos im done slacking. :)
i am gonna work on my assignments if i can or maybe just sleep and work on it when i get back from Suntec tmr. goodnight!
{ 9:04 PM }
Monday, January 7, 2008
it sucks already. firstly,i didn't sleep well last night. secondly,i didn't feel well during training. thirdly,the food in school is not nice! the system is just soooo irritating that i wanted to leave my tray there and just walk off.
but me,being me,NEVER does that. so yes,me,weining and shi ying sat at the table and were the
LAST THREE to leave. like really
LAST THREE.i was just so pissed cos our usual table was taken and that made me scold off like mad. because the queue was so long.
okay,i shouldn't complain but i can't take it anymore. :/
CHANGE HABIBAH,CHANGE!ok,i will refrain myself from saying vulgarities. I'll try my best!
English class now,Mr Audi's not here at
ALL for lessons. and the class seems to be... quiet. no noise,no nonsense,
NOTHING! everyone is occupied with whatever they're doing and im gonna get started now. good day!
{ 1:02 PM }
That life seems like Light years away
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The sister woke me up at 11.45 asking "Eh,you want to go or not? Everybody going." woke up with a "urghh" and half opened eyes.

At the dock.
bathed and went down to Bedok Reservoir cos Alisha had the wakeboarding programme thing. it was ok la. just sat on the boat when Mr De rode and when Alisha rode.
The sister riding but not so clear.
I wanted to ride but was still sick. next week i hope. been sooooo long since i sat on the boat or even rode! so it was fun pulling ropes and boards. :D
ok,i've got homework to do now. good day! :)
{ 5:17 PM }
Friday, January 4, 2008
This week wasn't smooth at all.
I've got homework.
I feel like crap.
{ 11:42 PM }
What A Day
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
first day of school obviously sucked for me. down with flu. think cos i was sneezing like more than 5 times yesterday before checking in to school. and then slept with a blocked nose,which made it worse by the way.
woke up like at 12.20,1.30,4.30,5.30,6. but somehow,i started the morning good! everyone was so so hyper and happy.
normally we'll just stone but this morning,everyone was talking a lott!
we have a few changes though.
New caterer which is not so good as SFI i believe but i can't say too soon.
The seating arrangement is totally WHAT THE HELL! it's very very squeezy. have to turn here,turn there to get to our table. :/
I have only ONE new teacher. that is,Mr Lau. Think im gonna like him and his teaching.
Went to the doctor,got my medication. came home,slept. slept with
no fan,no air-con and still felt cold. with a comforter,i still felt cold. woke up and had my mum feed me! i really liked it!the last time i was fed was
LONGGGG TIME AGOOOO! so it was a really good moment. don't have to move a muscles. just your jaw. :D
so i've got mc for don't know how long. i won't be able to train. :/ but i hope i'll be able to do core exercises. :)
i shall head for bed soon. the room is getting stuffy now. goodnight!
{ 8:56 PM }
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
HAPPY 20th ANNIVERSARY IBU & BABA!Love both of you loads! :){ 12:46 AM }
so i'll continue. :)
To my #08-46 roomies this year! yes this year! i hope 2008 be good to all of us! need experience to write this ah.
I LOVE YOU 2007! but you're gone now,and I WILL LOVE YOU 2008!!!
To the teachers,thank you for a year of guidance to secondary school life. You guys sure shaped us. from being our timid selves,you guys are building us up to become brave and confident. to not be scared! you have taught us lessons. lessons that must not be forgotten and im sure at the end of secondary 4,you have shaped us well!
Mr Audi: Thanks for fun English lessons and im sorry for sleeping in class. HAHA!
Mr Royston: Thanks for pressurising us during Math. helped well,partially. thanks for NOT making me sleep!
Mrs Gan:Omg! THANKS for fun fun fun HISTORY classes!
Mr Tan: Thanks for umm telling us interesting stories although some are not related to Geography. haha!
Cikgu Imran: Alamak,cikgu you the BEST manz! thanks for macs breakfast all eh. :D and giving us A LOTTT of chances. okay 5 of us damn a lot of chances. Cool as Ice man you!
Mr Lee: Mr Lee,we are suffering science. and thanks for being so so patient with us 1B! and sorry for sleeping in your class also. heh.
Ms Anna Fu: Thanks for being such a caring mentor. I'll go to Sarawak to look for you. wtf. hahaha! ok Ms Fu,Happy New Year! your mentee girls misses you!
Mr Poh: Being our temporary mentor was really great. you're very punctual and reasonable. :D and being our Dean too! :)
ok. so it was just
LAST YEAR that i last talked to a lot of people.
love you always 2007!{ 12:10 AM }