Monday, December 31, 2007
I would like to thank everyone for this great year I had. :)
My Star Karats who's always there for me. :D and Val,I didn't put to not drink from bottles in my NYR. :P I go from Senior down kay? Val you've been such a great Star Karat. wait all of you are! :D Thanks for advising me and stuff. Bal,you're my molester! Horny star karat youu. haha! but you'll always be my Osama Bin Bangla Star Karat Oreo One. :D To D Star Karat,you are very vulnerable so we have to take care of you but still,thanks for being my listening ear too! :D
My Family who has supported like since EVER! that won't change. :)
SMSH sisters. Although we're umm *wordless*,I still enjoyed us! And thanks for being there for me. Childhood never dies! you know i won't forget. and to Suri and Mus,GLC was the best la. hahaha!
My #04-47 roomies! You guys rocked like hell! How on earth we ended up rooming together,i don't know but it was great! really! gonna miss those days where we stayed up till 1am,2am just talking and having morning training in the next morning. The Screams and Laughter we made. Ok,most of them were made by me but you guys were laughing too except that one who always MIA. but nevermind. To Joleen,Hamizah and Val loo,thanks for the year! you guys are gonna be in #08-42 together and i'll be the opposite. I'LL OBVIOUSLY VISIT #08-42! and catch up with the latest gossip or story. YOUR ROOM'S GONNA HAVE A LOT!! hahahaha!Sec 1B! Best class I've ever had with only 17 minus Yasha who left but never forgotten. :) You guys are like the funniest,jokiest and whackiest of all! With the guys SHOUTING out father's and mother's name! Really fun to have you guys! sadly,our class will have less than 15 next year? Sam's leaving,Vera's leaving,Yasha left. Joleen,Azwan and Li Jie going 2A! I want them back!! :( to (according to seats in English Class) Joleen,Wei Ning,Andrew,Syafiq,Shi Ying,Isabelle,Grace,Sam,Athirah,Azwan,Li Jie,Ivan,Shankar,Nicholas,Jen Whee,Jovi,YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF WHACKY MONKEYS plus ME! :) let's cope sweets from Mr Audi when school reopens. and like what Shankar always say,
UNITED WE STAND,DIVIDED WE FALL! love you 1Beeee! (:To the beloved seniors! there are MANY of you! thank you for all the advices,encouragement you have given us freshmen! we will treasure youuuu like hell loads and we'll be coming to you guys for more im sure! :DTo Team Chan/Pedro. AHHH! training has never been boring! I SWEAR! everyday is filled with Fun,Joy and Laughter. Tributes mostly to the Egg,Lau Mei Xian. M Babe! you never fail to make us go HIGHHHH even when you're in a bad mood yourself! To Nessa,Linette,Amanda,Mei Xian,Gina,Lian Wei,Vera,Krista,Wei Ning and Val,you girls are the hyperous bunch of track girls i've met! WE ARE ALL A BUNCH! bunch people never can compare and I LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys for the fun in training! Team Pedro: A Babe,M Babe,G Babe,L Babe,D Babe and V Babe! more fun to come!i'll stop here for now. continue again later. :D
{ 11:31 PM }
2007's coming to an end in approximately 30 minutes.
Dear 2007,
You are minutes away to come to an end.
You have been one hell of a year I tell you.
Probably the one I won't forget.
With GREAT ups and downs.
And when I mean great 2007,I mean like real great.
You have been the pain in the ass,the love,you have been everything.
You're just a YEAR.
I'm talking to you like some human but you know you've grown too since the day I was born.
And every year,you are different.
2007,you have been great.
You better thank me for that 15 pages long of 2007 summary.
Yes,I made a summary about you.
And because of you I have more than a 100 2008 resolutions!
Thanks ah!
Dear 2008,
You better be a good year! :)
{ 11:18 PM }
Last of the Last

so the sarawak people left this morning. And i feel so so horrible right now cos i didn't really say a proper goodbye. woke up at 5.30am and slept outside for a while. my mum woke me up and said it was 7am. i was like WTHHHH! so i rushed in 5 minutes. and then i won't see them for maybe another 2 years? :'(
am gonna miss them. I just salam-ed them,they gave me money and i RUSHED out the door. kinda hesitated like oh no! such a horrible timing! :( that horrible feeling left me crying softly in the cab.
and the taxi fare was like a good $24! thanks ah! for starting a day like that!
had pool training. it was the normal running in water stuff for 20 seconds.
i WAXED my hand at the physio. it was a for fun thing la. and i had trouble bathing. :/ ate at banquet then went to the arcade. it was CRAZY! there was this new machine and we tried it. i guess people didn't want to ride it cos it's $3 a game/ride. but it was worth trying for la.
so now im home. and it feels so weird that they're gone. :'( sighh. it's i don't-want-to-know how long more till TWO THOUSAND EIGHT! :(
probably gonna buy my school stuff and look for a dress? GOODBYE TWO THOUSAND SEVEN! you're ALMOST gone.
{ 2:38 PM }
Sunday, December 30, 2007
woke up at 9.45am. waited for mus to arrive. ate bk breakfast at HOME! and then we watched youtube videos. the human tetris! then she left for warisan.
20 minutes later,Suri came. and we umm ate,talked,did assignments while waiting for Mus to come back from warisan. we watched a movie in the room cos the living room was crowded with relatives. so yeah.
it was the most :/ i've watched but sweet at the end. like wow! and then we watched MRT videos that people took and had a good laugh. some were rather disturbing,fake and disgusting. yucks!
had Pizza Hut for lunch and dinner. Mus and Suri just left 20 minutes ago. now is 11.07 btw.
The Gang Bang Shang is here again. okay,when it's an impromptu BIG family gathering,i call it Gang Bang Shang.
Bloody HELLLLL! now is 11.15pm and 2008 is exactly 24 hours and 45 minutes away!!! IT'S WAY WAY WAY WAY TOOO FASTTTTT!! im shaking right now and im gonna cry anytime soon! no no no! this can't be happening. it felt like it was just yesterday that I entered school. i mean first day.I have SO MUCH to do in this 24 hours! haven't bought my personal stuff for school and AWARDS NIGHTTT! :/ HELPPPP!new year resolutions,on it's way. it's going to be a
LONG one. divided into 3 sections for 3 different Labels.
i JUST found my holiday assignment and have loads more. the book review would be an easy one cos i READ books!
OKAYYY! IM FREAKING OUTTTTT! IM NOT READYYYYY!and i teared reading Val's latest post causing Mus and Suri to ask,'Habi,are you crying?'
FREAKING OUT! FREAKING OUT! FREAKINGGGGG OUTTTT!Confessions must be made! breathe Habibah,breathe!
can't take it anymore! right and Nyai Mah just said,
'Ni,si keling punye'refering to my luggage when Wak Taib asked who's bag was it. so
Si Keling refers to me. well,that made me laugh! hahaha!
The Sarawak people are leaving tomorrow. :'( i mean it's sad! like really really sad. the last time i saw them was 2005? am gonna miss my Grandaunt so so much! :(
ok. i LOVE the gathering right now so im gonna join in and irritate small kids again. :P
SO GOODNIGHT! 2008 you're
FIVE MINUTES AWAY! Athlete's Twenty Four Hours,doesn't work here! 11.55pm.
{ 10:56 PM }
Hunger Strikes!
the human woke up at
2.34pm today and proud of it. can't really rmbr what happened besides chatting to izhar and playing uno with him on msn. and discussing about the Minah on mrt fighting with her bf on the phone youtube video. kinda pitiful and embarassing though.
so got my new pair of glasses. and then the
Gang Bang Shang came. watched Hantu. it was like wtf! i swear i will not watch ANY anymore!
NO NO NO! I DON'T WANT TO. :/so yeah. it was a sudden dispersal at 12.30mn. cinderellas goes home. but they went to Mustafa Centre and my mum went to the hospital with Alinur and Kak Ida. 2.43am,still not home. wow.
oh,me and Kakak were talking about Art Friend.
and i LOVE to say 'kau tau tak.'H: Kau tau tak..
K: *interrupts* tak tau.
H: Takkk,kau tau tak..
K: *interrupts again* tak tauuuu.
H: Ish,dgr dulu boleh tak. Kau tau tak yang..
K: Tak tau. Eh,straight to the point boleh tak. Kau tau tak,kau tau tak.
H: Alah,at least better than Alinur's lupanya sey. Anyway,kau tau tak bende dia bagus-bagus?
K: Dah,don't try to get me into going there and only to see the things mahal.
H: Alahhhh. Try pergi aje ah.
for those who don't understand,kau tau tak means you know or not. so i guess you can roughly guess what we were talking about. :)
so yes,that was it. full of kau tau tak's. and apparently i have 11 silver dots on my tummy. don't ask why,just wanted to out line. :) and then kakak wanted to draw something on it but i kept laughing and my tummy kept sucking in itself.
and there was a freaking cockroach crawling when i opened up NOT MY wardrobe.
H: EEEEE! Cockroach!
Alinur: AAAAAHHH! *runs up to the bed* hahahahaha! okay. Fatin Nabila is watching My Girl,waiting for her parents to come back from Mustafa Centre and sister from hospital with my mum. Alisha slept at Wak Sal's house. the elder one is already sound asleep.
AND I NEED FOOOOOOD!!! i'm bloody hungry right now! the maid is probably asleep too and im scared to go to the bathroom. :( my stomach's grumbling... and mus will be knocking on my door at 9.30am tmr. cos she has warisan in the afternoon. i'll probably wake up when she comes. HAHAHA!
was chatting to dipna from 11.19pm to 3.11am. started with a All-Four Star Karat chat. Val left first then Bal. been VERY long since i talked to this star karat for like more than an hour. :D
so goodnight people! it's now 3.21am.
{ 12:04 AM }
It's the love
Saturday, December 29, 2007
i am drainedddd! but i will blog no matter what cos i know i won't rmbr most of the things that happened today. wait,if im tired,my brain's not working then how can i rmbr? nevermind,i'll try.
so today,i woke up only to find myself looking like a Zombie. i was like 'omggg!'. trying my best to not make them so obvious,i applied those facial powder thing. but still,:/
THE WORST THING WAS,one of my eye looked smaller! like wtfffff! i wanted to go to school covering my eyes but ah,what the heck. hope no ones noticed them. :)
so i umm slacked training while the rest did intervals plus what i did. sorry guys. but don't worry,i WILL be doing intervals anytime soon. :/ suffer together. :)
so this was what i did:
drills. high knee,butt kick,double leg hop.
stride 80m.
frog jump. 3x8.
butt lift. 3x3 10 secs.
sit up twist. 3x18.
monkey bar. 3 sets.
backraises. 3x25.
heel raises. 3x18/18/25
yup,that was it.
so after that,i rushed like mad. and ended up waiting for the rest. haha. but it was worth the wait. i needed to sit down also. it was a supposed Star Karat outing. it was still a Star Karat outing even though Noreen joined us which makes it merrier. :D
we watched I Am Legend. it was good! kinda sad. Will Smith is good at acting in I-Have-To-Sacrifice-Myself-For-The-Better movies! I mean like really really good. and what the hell,Good Luck Chuck is r21. -.- It has Jessica Alba in it!!!
the first few minutes was a bit dull but i guessed we picked the atmosphere up at Art Friend(?). i wanted to run away from them at one point cos the feeling was horrible. my headache was nonsense! and when i mean run away,i meant hiding one place where they won't find me AT ALL! sorry! :/
but then i went to where Dipna was and yes,she said something that somehow made my day. :) the movie gave us a lot of suspense and Noreen didn't finish her coke and hot dog by the end of the movie. haha!
we headed to HMV after that,it's like wow! oh yeahhh,we headed to Heeren cos Dipna needed to pee badly. and then there were this two american-chinese people i guess. and their slang,ah kau tak boleh angkat babe! me and Noreen gave THE look. Val and Dipna were acting like them and the people were just behind them.
so after that,Val was on the phone. and she was laughing like SOME person. and her loudest full squat laugh made the three of us laugh. yes,in the middle of Orchard Road.
we ate Macs then umm headed home i guess. took the train back home with Star Karat Valerie.
reached home and chatted with Izhar who left unexpectedly,and Jannah and Adil. Izhar is damn lame. I know you're reading this,so.. YOU ARE LAME! Hill One Tree? hahaha! Jannah was abnormal today on msn. haha. Adil just needed my help and reminded me about that day at Ilmi's house. which I apologise for going up and not telling you guys what we were gonna do. Sounds wrong but we were looking for something for MY sake! and ended up not finding it. -.-
so anyway,I would like to thank Dipna and Val for keeping my hopes high on having this Star Karat outing although all you guys said to me was 'Up to you' and 'Don't mind.' haha. but i didn't mind really. :) and we didn't have Bal but we had Noreen so that was great. :) cos 3 would not be as fun as 4. and Weining and Fudin joining us for the movie! hahaha!
Thanks guys! Love you worhxz! Not so good a summary but i still LOVE today!
SDC wall! :)
So my body is bloody sore from i don't know what! and that was a nice crack on the back. :D so now im wondering when we're gonna have a SMSH outing. although maybe 3 of us only. like sedih oi! but nvm. MUSSSSS! if you want,you organise babe! cos you're best at it! hahahaha! ok im really tired. GOODNIGHT! SELAMAT MALAM! whatever goodnight is in Arab and Mandarin. not so good in memory...
{ 12:12 AM }
Friends With Benefit
Thursday, December 27, 2007
woke up at 9.30am today feeling like crap. was hungry too. got ready for the check up. it took damn bloody long i swear! and half the time i was staring at my watch thinking,"what are they doing for training?". then my dad said that i can't go for training tmr cos the mc says excused from physical activities till the 28th.
cannot la. one whole week never train. it's :/ very very horrible.
school's starting in i don't wanna know how many days. :( it's just depressing. school starts,end of slack season. it'll only come again a year later. :( DEPRESSING i tell you!
Friends With Benefit Album is blasting right now. I love love love the album cover and i got the LAST one at CityLink's HMV. :)
LOVEEEE IT!ok,my english is going down the drainnnnn. :(
and the Star Karats are supposed to go out tmr. i am supposed to arrange but it's totally screwed becauseee im broke. i can ask my mum for the money but it's so... rush you know. :(
this week is just screwed! i haven't got
ANYTHING for awards night at all! :( i need to buy school stuffs. soap/shampoo/facial wash etc or else,i wouldn't survive the first week of school. i gotta organise my clothes for school already. if i don't do that,i wouldn't survive the first week of school.
OMFG! the RUSHHHH!freaking out! freaking out! ok shuddup and go do what you're supposed to do NOWWWW!
HABIBAH NAJIHAHBI! NOW! NOW! NOW!see the words ringing! so you guys have a good day! while i'll go release the stress.
{ 3:42 PM }
Digging in my heart of gold
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
so yesterday,i spent the afternoon and evening writing that 2007 summary and a 3 page letter. but im not gonna send that letter. i got that idea from brooke davis and as what dipna would say.
OTH for the win! :)
went to make new spectacles. my degree's like shit i swear!
so today,i didn't go for training. i knew i wasn't going to survive from the cough last night and the painful throat. i was all set to go at 7.50am. before i "left",i sat down on the sofa thinking. like if i knew i wasn't going to perform and would only be MORE sick,then why go? it's only one macritchie training.
so yes,and then i will not be going for training tmr AGAIN.
WHAT THE FUCK!it's like 1 whole week being a freaking bum if i don't train on friday. :/
im in trouble. really! and what the hell am i going to do today? i don't know.
meixian has a hangover! haha. drink somemore la. haha! hmm. i wonder how it feels like to have hangover. with a "giant elephant sitting on your head". must suck! :/
the check was really painful. the doctor kept on pressing on that sensitive part and made me feel like puking. you know that part where anorexic people umm press to puke. or whatever la. it was bloody painful. eee. wonder why i even went. oh right,maybe cos
i am going to find something better to do then stare on this screen the whole day. good day!
{ 1:05 PM }
New Beginning
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
So yesterday was not really a boring day. watched one tree hill. really can't wait for season 5 although i haven't watched season 4 which makes it nonsensical but whatever. i still can't wait. :)
and then it was filled with msn chat and i was getting started on new year resolutions and 207 reflections. which is going very very slow. i guess im out of time right now! there's so much to do in such short time. awards night! awards night! awards night! is soon. and i haven't really found anything. :/
have to bring my mum to go shopping! and new year sales! :) but to think of it,when school reopens,i won't be going out that much. weekdays in school with friends. weekends with family. and then projects start to come in. new topics. exposed to new things. definitely,more challenges.
and im not really sure if im ready for 2008. right,i worry too much. what's there NOT to worry about? it's life you're talking about here. so the seniors will be telling us that it's nothing and that we should enjoy. well,thanks. we will go with the flow. or i will let it be but with more excitement definitely! :)
And i will live to this in 2008.
New Year,New Life,New Beginning.The past will be the past.The present,well,let it be.Learn from the past,Apply it to the present.Let's hope,2008,will be a good year for us,
{ 2:59 PM }
And Everything Is Drawn To You
Monday, December 24, 2007
today was a blast and im tired. the headache's a kill,again. it was really fun. we went to the Dolphin Lagoon,Underwater World,that Carlsberg tower,Sky Train and Luge. wanted to go to the Merlion but it was raining so got canceled. that Cinewhatever was canceled too cos it was getting late.
although i was really tired and had pains in the head and throat,it was really really great. and omg,there was this girl whom i think did a boob job! she looks like what? 16? 17?
and she came out of the washroom,with 9 guys waiting for her. -.- i HAD to count to believe that it was pathetic. i mean,boob job to attract guys? come on.
also,i had to give the Brooke Davis one breath thing. people these days.
PROVEN: Girl with big boobs attracts more guys. -.-
so after that,we headed to Nyai Galoh's house for dinner. Crabs! food was really good! got really tired so chilled out in the room. yes yes,and im an evil cousin. :)
no training for me tmr,sick. :/ but i guess it's good. i need the rest anyway. so yeah. goodnight!
{ 12:56 AM }
Red Blooded Woman
Sunday, December 23, 2007
A record for 2007 for sleeping late. slept at 5am. talked with izhar on msn from 12.20am to 3.30am. long time since i talked to him like this long. and then after that,i watched another episode of one tree hill. was just on time when i turned off the laptop. my dad came home. and when i can't sleep,i will message a friend like 5-7 pages long of crap. hahaha! right val? :D
chat with sha also about stuffs i won't mention here. don't worry it's nothing bad. :)
anyway,i woke up today,went to the bathroom and spitted out
phlegm with blood. :/ and i had to run to the bathroom 3 times to spit it out(now with lesser
blood). very very weird. :/
so Sentosa is waiting. not really that excited. the car's gonna be full and i'll be blasting on the ipod. so yeah. hope i'll have fun with the lack of enthusiasm. but who knows,it might change. :D bring in Sentosa with some Sarawak accent! hahaha. alright. till then! :)
{ 11:54 AM }
Welcom Back Friend!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
ILMA NUR JANNAH BTE FADZAL BIN i shall not say here,IS BACK!! :D
and since you're back,we shall go out as planned. and when we go out,you can't scold me basket anymore. :P
WELCOME BACK! :Dyou loveee green! so i used green! :D{ 5:36 PM }
Wait And See
the human slept at 3.30am and woke up at 12.40pm.
don't know what the plan is for today so i'll just wait. i feel like sleeping. *yawn*
{ 1:17 PM }
Complication of all matter
it's 12.50am now and kakak,you are sleeping like a pig already. while i am eating bread with nutella in ibu's room. and she just said,"Najihah,makan dalam bilik. Kerlak masuk nanti." heh.
the night was just filled with msn chat. :)
meixian believed that my blog name were these:
http://hababihabibah.blogspot.comhttp://habibahababi.blogspot.comso i couldn't tahan anymore and i gave her this:
http://meixiangot-trickedbyhabibah.blogspot.comthe last time i rmbred tricking someone was none other than MUS! hahaha!
about half an hour after that,
shahrir started a conversation.
who knew chatting to this
asshole was fun. HAHA!
he started it first.
Habibah Najihahbi- Suffer in Silence.:
if you migrated,i have to know but if for holiday then i need to know too but WON'T be MISSED!
Habibah Najihahbi- Suffer in Silence.:
Oh well,Nakamura:my stupid distant cousin's an asshole.there you go. tokyo boy! hmph. and i don't wish to investigate to really know whether i am related to him. i'll take it as i am. so don't make comments kak because it's really COMPLICATED ok.
right now,the mother and sister are already sound asleep. the other two sisters are not home yet. they went to night safari. hmph. and im gonna watch one tree hill now. goodnight!
ps:take care Star Karat Dipna! :){ 12:49 AM }
Hard Work Pays Off
Friday, December 21, 2007
so training wasn't THAT tiring. although it was macritchie. only 4 turned up. FOUR! F-O-U-R! EMPAT! ARBA'A!
ooooh! my arab boleh tahan! hahahhaa! it took me 20secs to think what 4 in arab was. what's one? AAAA! i got it! wahid,isnani,tsalatha,arba'a,homsa,this'a,sit'ta um um. forget it! i got it all mixed up already. mus helping is definitely not working.
anyway,i had the sleep of my friday today. woke up at 11.40am. then watched a bit of one tree hill then got ready for training.
jogged to the steepest slope. whatever it is to mr pedro. the way he says it sound like fifth a slope?
4x6 of frog jump.
4x14 ankle lateral jumps.
3x50m up slope.
4x80m up slope but different slope.
so yeah,that was it. was ok really. ate at macs. we made not so loud noise but i think it was still noisy cos the macdonald's managers were having a meeting and there we were laughing and all. tsk tsk.
we walked around for a while. went to Nike and they were playing Travis' The Boy With No Name album. stayed a while to listen to a few tracks. went back home.
i am really lazy to blog. so maybe later at night. :D
{ 9:31 PM }
Never Like An Ordinary Day
Today was a blast! Filled with food,photography and some get together. :D
woke up at 12 in the afternoon. bathed. todays was White day for my family. all 6 of us wore white kurung. and sadly,we don't have a family picture this time.
headed to Wak Sal's house. the food was really really good. :D watched Tentang Bulan and Asian Idol.
and then there were pictures. loads and loads of them!
so around 10pm,some of us were already in a room making a lot of noise. just laughing and stuff. that's when the crapping around started with Lutfi bullying the rest. so yeah. really really great fun!
so now,here i am. blogging. a not-so-well summary of a good Hari Raya Aidiladha. but i guess,pictures say a thousand words already? hmm. yes,i am tired and i shall go get some rest soon. :) goodnight!
{ 12:19 AM }
Good Day!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
so the guests are gone. not the sarawak guests. but the rest who came to drop by.
and it left me eating. irritating the small kids too. i really love to disturb them. not giving them what they want and only give it when they're on the verge of CRYING. hahaha!
my lip feels very weird. cos we were sort of trying out EDIBLE lip balms batrisyia bought from Los Angeles. so like applied some,and practically licked our lips to taste it. it's edible man.
soooo,i got a Tropical Skittles Strawberry Starfruit Lip Smacker and a Magical Melon Lip Smacker. they 'taste' pretty good. haha!
anyway,ilma nur jannah and nurul shafiqah are coming back on friday. :)
and miss yus is leaving on friday for China. sheesh! two places in a month. oh,the envy!
i am really drained right now. so im gonna go get some sleep.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI! :D the food food food. :D goodnight good world gone bad!
{ 1:35 AM }
More Awaits
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
so i woke up just to find that i will not be able to enter the other two rooms cos they're currently taken up by family guests from Sarawak. and i haven't seen my grandaunt for a longggg time. she just makes me smile. :) but i don't wish to go to the sad story because thinking of it makes me sad. as in tear sad. :(
so training was umm ok. went for physio in the morning. taped my shoulder. played basketball. apparently,we just couldn't really play. the sun was bloodyy hot! and yeah,tired.
gym. normal wednesday stuff. stride with baton.
before gym and after striding, we did some music thing with the batons and all. really really funny. first,it was meixian with her anyhow hit hit hit on the track. and me and liang wei would go in as backup music. divya and manda just stared at us but joined later. val,recorded the stuff. :)
so we tried umbrella and stuff but didn't work out. :/
nothing fun actually happened today. so yes,quite boring a day it is. and valerie loo is not going for macritchie on friday. hmph.
so now i am watching buah kurma,air zam zam. hahaha!
BRING IN THE FOOD BAYBEHH! oh,how i love Hari Raya Haji and the telemovies and the family gatherings. :D
so i've got nothing else to blog about. bye!
{ 9:04 PM }
All In A Day
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
one word for this morning.
HELL!jogged 10 minutes.
extensions with hurdle stick.
stride. 3x80m up slope.
trail leg,lead leg hurdles.
stride. 100m. half curve,half straight.
HELL workout!3x120m. 4 and a half mins rest in between. FAST one,mind you!
rest,5 and a half mins.
1x120m. 1x100m.
tsk tsk. what a workout. i really really felt like puking after the second one already. :/ maybe cos i pushed too hard during the first one cos i did a 16.7. sucked sucked sucked!
i was on the verge of puking after the 100m. had Liang Wei and Meixian to spray water at me. but i really really felt like bleuk! had breathe in slowly and all.
AFTER EFFECTS!you get a group of girls laughing their heads off. screaming and shouting at the expressway. :P we sort of owned the bus stop so what the hell,laugh la. i bet Vera heard us from the opposite bus stop. :/
me and meixian were like thinking where to eat. this was the conversation.
H: Where to eat?M: Don't know.H: Food court?M: Mm. Anything.H: But food court cannot laugh.M: Ya la. Later people complain.H: Banquet?H: Banquet can laugh?M: People think of place to EAT,we think of place to we ended up at the food court. it was pretty empty cos it wasn't lunch time yet. only until the end then we started laughing WITH pauses. yes yes. and we have mistakes everyday. hahaha! I'll call this Meixian and The Double.
*Meixian playing aroung with the cheng tng*H: *Pointing to the orangey thing* What's that? Carrot?M: Carrot your head la. Sweet CUCUMBER.All: *Stared at Meixian*All: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SWEET CUCUMBER!Divya: But really what's that?M & Liang Wei: sweet TOMATO(MX)/sweet potato(LW).H & D: *looking at each other and then back to meixian* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!so yeah. and gina's dimple with something-that-doesn't-want-to-be-named-here. xD
so now im here blogging and chatting to Star Karat 1. :D and i am going to take a nap i hope because the headache's a kill. :/ so till then!
{ 2:25 PM }
Mistakes Of All Mistakes
Monday, December 17, 2007
so that was the 100th post!
and you guys should go read liang wei's blog if you wanna know ALLL the funny things that happened.
http://lifeiszzz.blogspot.comwell anyway,there were a few mistakes today. hahahah!
Meixian: I went to see whether the SHOPE was open or closed.Amanda: Yesterdeh. Yes:ter:there and and. ME AND THE DOM!hahahahahaha!ok. lame. so whatever. :)
{ 8:36 PM }
so anyway,Taufik's Birthday Bash was okay. it was held at Golden Mile Complex. Place full of THAIS! i don't like thai men. they are wayyyyy too FREAKY! more like perverts. :/ so kakak's friends and us went. The cake was bloodyyy nice i tell you. CHOCOLATE! that makes you go crazy,up and down! :P
and then we checked out after that. I DO NOT WISH TO TELL WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THAT!
I practically locked myself up in the room after that incident(again,do not wish to tell). locking up means listening to songs and blindly staring at the comp. talking incessantly about some people who are good to talk about. :P
hahahaha! no la. just talked and talked. to hin ann,HIN ANN! haha. and syafiq afterwards.
and i had a lot of very very weird dreams that freaked me out and made me cry! :/
woke up at 7.50am. washed up. left for school. had physio. apparently,my shoulder tendon is strained or something. taped it up to resist the overly arm swing. but i really dont know if it's too over but oh well. just go with the treatment.
so we laughed and laughed and laughed before/during/after training.
D star karat,I am no evil senior! I just had physio. xD
gym as always,will be very noisy! cos we have the whole gym to ourselves. i almost dropped the 25kg bar while doing full squats. cos LIANG WEI,made me laugh! tsk!
had the reaction run thing. thinking of it,still makes me laugh. call me stupid!
Mr Pedro: Wait for this to drop. (holding a small bag)
P: (went towards amanda and unknowingly dropped the bag) eh,this one-
that is really stupid cos if i didn't say it,i wouldn't have done the 10 sit ups. i would have just turned to tap val and ta-dah! no sit ups!
Liang Wei tends to be inattentive today. haha! and GINAAAA! HAHAHAHAHA! she ran for her life when mr pedro tricked into dropping that bag. omggg! and when he dropped it,val was in a state of shock. so then again,it was easy for me to tap her. :P
so after training,we got stucked AGAIN cos of the rain. borrowed umbrella and stuff. me and liang wei shared. knn. it was damn stupid la. hahahahha! and this liang wei,know how to spill water,take the umbrella away from me and just letting it go when she runs. making it difficult for me. THANKS AH!
ate at macs. and divya,WE DO NOT HATE YOU. really! really! really! macs another one. laugh until cannot stop. we laughed for like 8 minutes straight? cos liang wei kept laughing and meixian laughed and manda laughed and i DIDN'T wanna laugh cos i was still eating my fries but failed. laughed anyway. drink,cannot drink properly.
there was once when we stopped,but i just HAD TO laugh cos it was damn funny alr. cannot take it. so yeah. laugh la. laugh.
reached home. checked mail. read. took a nap. and now blogging while listening to Travis. haven't listened to them for quite sometime already. like listen all of their tracks at one go. training at 8 tmr. :/ and i'll be going to bed early today i hope. :D till then!
Habibah(:{ 7:52 PM }
Night Turned Sweet
Sunday, December 16, 2007
i am not tired yet. the view outside is bloodyyyy nice! i am gonna love love love the bed!
am chatting to ilma right now. and! HAHAHAHAHA!
she wanted to go to ira's blog. and this,is what she typed as the url:
http://cheekymoney.lovejournal.comHAHAHAHAHA! that's like the joke of the night.
you made me laugh very very hard. HAHAHAHAAH!
thanks. :)
so yes,tmr is Taufik's Birthday Bash and i am not really excited. just go with the flow la. :)
i am freezing right now. and my mum just said cannot lower the temperature. -.-
there's so much junk food here! :D i love it!
we need a star karat outing. and also the plan of going out with sha,ilma,vera,krista and all. :D
i am really really very cold. how i wish my room was like this hotel room. so cozy! :)
ok. gotta go now! till then! :D
{ 12:00 AM }
Once In A Lifetime
Saturday, December 15, 2007
so i am currently at Swissotel now. 31st floor. room number,i have no idea. the view is just so beautiful! wow!
i am going to push my sister down the bed if she's going to sleep on the same single bed as me. haha! evillll. hello,it's a single bed. so yeah. the older owns! :D
chatted to dipna for a while and chatting to sha now.
dipna said something that shocked me. well,kinda. dipna,you know what you said. :P anyway,i miss chatting to you too! :D somehow.
so i currently have nothing to do other than god-knows-what. so later! :D
{ 3:16 PM }
She's So Strange
why do we have her anyway? tsk.
{ 12:32 AM }
Train To Achieve
Friday, December 14, 2007
back from training. the turn out was like what the hell. only me,liang wei,gina,divya and nabila went for training. the rest all pang seh. wah lau.
and i sort of like take back SOME of my words about macritchie cos it wasn't so bad. maybe cos our jogging pace was damn right. :)
did lateral jumps,frog jump and high knee+butt kick for drills.
stride 4 times in between.
2x150m,1x120m. 1st set.
2x120m. 2nd set.
so yeah that's about it. and the steepest slope wasn't so bad as last week. :D
lunch was PATHETIC! only me and liang wei. we ate at kfc. :D and liang wei's chicken had umm strands of hair. yucks! she was scolding off and all. hahaha!
and i didn't bring that small little cute milk bottle today cos it holds too little for me to survive in macritchie. :P
Mistake of the day!
Gina: He go cack. supposed to be go back. :P
what a section! :/ so am really drained right now from umm intervals maybe? so till then!
{ 1:39 PM }
Hangouts and Frustration
Thursday, December 13, 2007
im homeee! and it's late already. :/ oh no! macritchie tmr. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! damn joggings la. knn.
so anyway,trained at 8 today. did javelin. bathed,me and joleen waited for krista and ning. headed to bugis afterward. had macs for lunch. then walk walk walk around bugis street. there were nice stuffs there but sadly,no money.
I SAW OSAMA BIN BANGLA STAR KARAT OREO ONE(bal)! :D haha. pon training. tsk tsk. missed her and there she was. at bugis street. haha.
so wanted to get lots of stuff la. but ah damn. and there were nice dresses to consider for awards night. :D
had nothing else to do so me,jo and star decided to head down to esplanade. to take pictures and stuff. ning didn't go cos she didn't wanna go. so yeah. 3 of us only. MY BLOODY PHONE DIED LAAAA! wa lauuu. then didn't manage to take the picture we wanted to. :/
then went to pick up the two IRRITATING ones. went back home then went out again to far east for dinner.
siao. go so far just to eat dinner. hahaha. then my mum and sis went to MNG for the sales thingy while i spent my time,opposite at That CD Shop. nothing much but there were a lot to look at. :D to kill time,i listened to some albums and stuff. the disney world cd album is so so cute and lovely.
I met the other star karat(val) in school. good to see her too. :D missed her very much. the other star karat also known as dipna,well,i see her almost everyday. :D at least there was a star karat in singapore. :)
Sha is coming back tmr. :D and now im here blogging when im supposed to be sleeping cos of fucking macritchie tmr. grrrr! so goodnight!
{ 11:28 PM }
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
you're just one asshole who wants just body and no heart!
you're heartless!
to think of just that.
oh,how fucking wrong i was.
i will never,i repeat,NEVER fall too deep in your damn words anymore!
and i warn you if you ever do that,i'll burn you alive!
{ 8:12 PM }
THE STAR KARATS ARE BACK!! how much i missed them. :)
{ 7:09 PM }
so i couldn't sleep last night due to personal reasons and that caused me to have "circles". :/ and i swear my mum was being umm childish last night. i guess last night was one of
those nights. :D but it was funny really. to think of it. :)
went for physio treatment. it's the right shoulder now. :/ and it still hurts. :/
after that,training. warmed up. drills then funny striding. had gym. normal wednesday gym stuff. :) ate at food court.
just another boring day. :/
ahhh,yes yes. almost forgot.
this is for Liang Wei's sake. am supposed to write gina's and meixian's mistakes.
Gina: Banana. she said it as Banani. hahaha!
Meixian: *talking on the phone* shes asks me. hahaha!
STAR KARATS ARE COMING HOME TODAYYYY! :D :D :D i can't wait for them to come online. :D
Miss Nurul Shafiqah aka Shafiqah White is fighting today at SIAK island. hahaha! i still can't get over the SIAK island. :P so anyway,ALL THE BEST to her and her partner! :D
ok so that's about it. am gonna take a short nap maybe? till then!
{ 4:06 PM }
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
oh no! oh no! oh no! singapore's losing 3-nil. :/
so anyway,dinner-ed with mus and her sis. one word for the time. BELO! hehe.
training's at 10.45 tmr. woo hoo! which means an hour more of sleep. :D so so glad. then maybe another half hour of sleep in the bus(if i plan on taking it) and 15-20 mins of sleep in the physio. :D :D :D sleep sleep sleep only.
gym tmr. muscles so tight. gym what gym. :/ i shall go sleep soon la. so goodnight!
{ 10:28 PM }
came an hour early for training. afraid that i was gonna be late but obviously reaching an hour early doesn't make you late. so whatever. training was ok. did intervals,indoor track,up slope.
we did boundings before the intervals and i swear my right shoulder and right knee would have dropped off if i went further. oh! the pain!
after training,me and meixian bathed in the not-always-occupied boys toilet cos the the ladies were taken. so yeah. we bathed really fast and all.
the void deck went chaotic cos were talking bout icg clashing with nats and stuff. that's when vulgarities broke out. tsk tsk meixian was like saying "f*** you" x 3 to LW cos of icg and nats. so a lot happened just in that brief moment. scold scold scold then gina looked at me with a frown. i looked at her then i wanted to say "don't give me that f*** face." but ended,she said it first. so we both burst out laughing.
and this "conversation" happened at the bus stop.
LW: Ehh,you all got WATCH the newspaper?
LW: I mean read la.
Can't rmbr who said this: Wahh. Liang Wei,2nd time already.
so it's not that funny here but Liang Wei has been having problems pronouncing words right. like it hurts to its hurts. hahaha! and we,always busted her. :P
oh and i just cleared my black bag which i didn't clear since the 23rd of november. eeks! double the eeks! cos i found a letter from Sha and i didn't even know it was there!! OMG! sha,if you're reading this. im really really sorry cos i just read it after you gave it to me for how long already. anyway,thanks girl for the letter! hope you're doing well in SIAK island. :P
so am going to sleep if i can and read Twilight. :D and my mum mixed up RIHANNA with RAIHAN! hahahaha! ok ok. later!
{ 1:26 PM }
Monday, December 10, 2007
reached home at 5 just now. am very tired. the weather is so nice to sleep in! SEA Games prog's on now.
I MISS MY STAR KARATS! ok ok. just yesterday i was msging val and she says she won't be back till wednesday. I I I CAN'T CAN'T CAN'T WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! :D we should have a star karat outing y'know but im hell not an organiser. :P
so anyway,training was ok i suppose. had physio this morning. woke up at 7.45 and still was early so i went for physio. now's the shoulder. not much of the hip anymore. :/

zing zing treatment.
before training was crazy also. me and meixian were singing to hafiz as'ari's songs and before we warmed up,the security guard asked val who was making a lot of noise and stuff. i quickly walked to the front. hehe. had gym. cool down was crazy i tell you. we were laughing after we stopped a while. beating each other and stuff. then went for lunch at banquet.
after that,walked around. went to metro. me,meixian and liang wei bought milk bottles. ahahaha! we're gonna use it for training tmr to umm store ribena? hope they don't chicken out. :)

mine,meixian's and liang wei's bottle. :D
am gonna do dont know what now besides watching the SEA Games daily prog. read maybe? ok whatever. mum's back. bye!
{ 6:33 PM }
Sunday, December 9, 2007
parents and Alisha left for batam(?) this morning. the last thing i felt was my dad kissing me. i was asleep though but i felt it. :)
went to orchard with alinur and aunty ja. went to watch The Golden Compass at lido,ate at pizza hut at lucky plaza and went to Borders. i swear i felt like i was in the Philippines when i was at lucky plaza. Aunty ja spent A LOAD on us man. it's fun and all. golden compass was really really good. the day wasn't wasted after all.
There were so many books and cds that i wanted but im not loaded so whatever.
and OMFG! Aunty Ja bought me The Twilight Collection i was eyeing for. obviously,i didn't expect her to buy it cos it cost $100.95. i was planning to not eat lunch for 7 days. save $10 each day to buy the collection but i don't have to do that now because she already bought for me. ZOMG! it's great! am gonna read read read. :D

Sha called me when i was watching golden compass. i almost shouted "SHA!!" out loud in the cinema but i controlled. haha. it's so good to hear her. :) and and she's in SIAK island. siak ah. hahaha!
so tmr's the 4x100m relay. am not gonna miss it. i repeat,am not gonna miss it. :D alright,watching The Holiday now. today just brings back memoriessss. pizza hut was one. :P The Holiday's one too. haha. ok ok. bye!
{ 9:42 PM }
Dear dear Shafiqah is leaving tomorrow for indon and KL,after that! :(
Sha,am gonna miss you! :( take care white and all the best! :)
So now im missing val and bal and miss yus and elisa and *ahem* very much. and then it'll just grow to that level until each of them comes back.
school school school,and im going to be sec two. the year passes so fast. like it was just yesterday that i was arranging my books in my new room and getting all nervous about school the next day. i was all focused and determined then. but now,i feel that it has dropped.
a new year will definitely be different. i won't be the scared,timid one anymore. instead,i will know of what to expect. what are the do's and dont's because one year is just enough to discover that.
i will know of what to expect in many areas. i will know how to face a problem and so it won't make that big a deal.
in studies,obviously i have to keep up my progress like what i did this year. next year is just filled with the same subjects but with more challenging topics and a whole lot of sec 2 stress.
in sports,however,i definitely have to bring it up to a new standard. one filled with personal bests and all. and to just stay away from injuries cos next year is definitely THE BEST YEAR for me. it all depends to whether i want it or not. to tell you the truth,i REALLY do! and will be hungry for more.
;Don't let anything distract me in this coming year because it's what I've been waiting for.
{ 12:21 AM }
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Me and dear pesilat/roomie '08,Shafiqah. :)

no comments. :)
back from ICC. reached home at 10.15pm.
the final match was Singapore A vs Malaysia. singapore scored first and it was luck cos the goalkeeper caught the ball and it slipped. the referee is like shit i tell you. scream here,scream there. blow here,blow there. so anyway,final score was 2-0. singapore 2,malaysia 0. :)
wanted to go back at ard 8 but ended up leaving at 9.15. me,meixian and amanda stayed for the whole thing. Sha's performance was good. the pot dance was umm interesting. the p6/sec 1 08 are very irritating and gatal. some were funny and stuff but oh well. enough said.
took pictures. dinner was provided for the socceroos but they said we could have them so we did. save money what.
there was this aussie goalie who did that shuffle dance or sth. he's tall and hot but that's not the point. his shuffle was pretty cool. and like whoa! :D
so now im home. blogging. gonna wash up soon and head to bed. ibu's leaving for Batam with baba and alisha. the house belongs to ussss!! hahaha! but it'll be very quiet then cos there'll be no alisha who keeps on talking. there's no ibu who'll be scolding my maid away. and there'll be no baba. so left only with me,kakak and alinur. :/ and the maid.
am feeling lethargic now. so goodnight!
{ 10:54 PM }
Friday, December 7, 2007
fuck. it didn't rain!
so much for praying that it will. jogging was like shittt. the workout was ok. did intervals in freaking macritchie!
went to bishan to eat. ate macs. normal stuff and all. took train back with meixian.
eeyerr. there was this man who was talking to himself. and then he smiled then pointed at the malaysian flag on my shirt. and then touch-touch the flag. luckily the flag was on my sleeve and it wasn't really touching me.
me: Meixian,drop at next station. i scared sia.
mx: ya ya ok. skali he go down at same station how?
me:sial ah i think he is.
so we ended up staying in the train cos he went down. damn scary la. :/
that's all. boring start. am gonna take a nap now. till then! :)
{ 1:52 PM }
Thursday, December 6, 2007
today wasn't so fucked up a day. haha.
the morning was a good start already. started off with umm soccer.
the worst hit ever in the "match". getting hit on the face with a damn hard impact. obiviously cos the kick was Liang Wei's kick. so yeah. stoned and tears flowed unwillingly. it was painful but not that crying pain. but tears just flowed. moment of shock maybe.
continued playing. i suck at goalkeeping. :P did hurdles. 4-step/3-step and stuff.
after that,went to causeway to eat. then we headed for east coast. TeamChan outing. fun but it was wet. wasn't really raining so it's ok. we cycled. then took pictures. meixian has them. wrote stuff blablabla.
went to vera's house. me,LW and gina. watched chinese show. haha. and ate. watched a bit of SEA Games opening ceremony then went home. vera's dad sent us to bedok.
Vera,your dog is really scary. :/was watching the part 1 of the opening ceremony. am gonna settle some other stuff. so till then! :D
{ 8:09 PM }
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
today's just one fucked up day.
{ 4:59 PM }
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
lines just for you.
I'll say it straight and plainI know I've made mistakesI've always been afraidWhen you go I'll let you be, but you're killing everything in me.I'm done there's nothing left to showTry but can't let goAre you happy where you're standing stillDo you really want the sugar pillI'll wake up tomorow and I'll startTo another, it feels so hardYou think that you're the sunThe whole world revolves around youThe center of attentionAnd everything is drawn to youfor wei ning's sake,these are lines from song lyrics that are being put together.{ 8:30 PM }
and of course...
All The Best to those who left for SEA Games! :D{ 3:01 PM }
back from training. tired.
we had pool training. it was ok la. not as fun as i expected it to be. went to causeway to eat. finally,we had normal food. have been eating a lot of junk food lately just cos of that "fact". within 2 hours of after training,you eat,you won't get fat. hahaha!
yes,we sticked to that for a whole of last week and ate a few macs and kfcs.
so bal and val left this morning. val said i didn't have to come. although that,i still felt half-hearted and stuff. i woke up ard 430. couldn't open my eyes so slept again till 645.
joleen's back! me,vera and jo had a table and we talked about some people having their stuck up attitudes. :P
took 168 back with vera. the bus was damn cold. couldn't really sleep. so now im here blogging bout this boring day and i shall go find some food and movies and maybe fall asleep while watching them. :) till then.
{ 2:48 PM }
Monday, December 3, 2007
ok. so maybe i won't be sending the two star karats off tmr. but i'll call. :D im friggin' tired. goodnight!
{ 10:00 PM }
went for physio in the morning at around 930. met hamizah at the interchange. went to school with her. she got caught for something i won't mention here. :P
my hip's getting better. :D or so i think. did gym today. squats and stuff. ate at macs. like wtf! i ate a light one.
gym was really fun and funny. did reaction sprints. ate with a full Team Pedro minus the juniors.
went for Temasek's training to help out. today was a fun day. i mean every training is! :D ran for the fun of it. although i was the only senior senior,the seniors were a fun bunch too. :)
right now,im really really tired.. may be going to the airport to send bal and val off in the early morning. :) so goodnight!
{ 7:56 PM }
Sunday, December 2, 2007
AHAHA! hello!
i just felt like laughing starting with an A in front. :P
anyway,macritchie wasn't THAT bad. i just didn't like the jogging. :/ did 3x50m and 4x80m. so called the best workout ever! :)
after that went to junction 8 with LW,amanda,val. and two nanyang-ers,ching yi and charmaine.
ate at KFC. i need to lose those calories man!
yesterday.. i went to plaza sing to look for clothes with the sisters and my mum. i really love teasing Alinur la. hahaha! kak,you know what i mean.
went to expo today for that Sintex thing? it was OMFG crowded! pretty great. but just didn't like the crowd. :/
I REALLY WOULD LIKE TO BEAT PEOPLE WHO JUST STAND IN FRONT OF THE TRAIN DOOR NOT ALLOWING PEOPLE TO GO OUT FIRST! stupid or whatttt.. i don't go out,you can't come in. that's the reason why the arrows and guidelines are used ding dongs!what's with singapore these days eh? i mean citizens to be exact. just pisses me off to think of it.
ELISA and ANGELA are leaving tomorrow. for thailand. BALPREET and VAL are leaving on tuesday. for thailand also. :( JOLEEN is back from shanghai. :D
i miss elisa and that loud laugh of hers. am gonna miss her i guess. spend some fun-time dad and daughter bonding. how wonderful!
talking to syafiq and sha. cool. syafiq,shafiqah. training tmr. not in good condition lately. very very worried. :/ so till then.
{ 9:39 PM }