Thursday, November 29, 2007
so yes. those were the end of the pictures of last week and last two weeks. there are more but it's okay.
had training today. did long jump. kinda fun but having your ankles land the wrong way is painful. was aching the whole day today. i can't sit! my butt's painful and mr pedro says it's cos of that launges(?). however you spell it.
so after training,went to eat at macs with krista,meixian,amanda,liang wei and divya. met elisa and kiat xuan(?) and some other at causeway too. :)
anyway,we went Orchard after that. walk around to look for awards night dress. there are some nice ones. but i think my mum will definitely go against them cos it's too revealing in religious views. cos one was a tube dress and the other was ok actually. so yeah.
i may just end up wearing what my dad bought for me for my birthday. :D aiya,still have long way to go so never mind.
im have to like tmr's training. cos if i don't set my mind to like it,then i really won't like it. ENJOY THE MORNING BREEZE HABIBAH! and there'll be monkeys! :D
alright. that's all. till then!
{ 8:06 PM }

krista,me,hamizah,ning and jo
at the art gallery at Orchard.

i like this one! :D
Georgina,Sha,Me and Ilma.

music room mentor meeting. :D

at the makan place. with mariam laughing.

at arab street. :)

the day i was bored and everyone was either
not in the room or sleeping. :P

monkey love!

dinner time!

us again! :D
{ 7:35 PM }
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
woke up at 645. slept for another 15 mins. training started at 10.45 but i had physio at 9.15. so had to wake up THAT early. sucks.
training was ok. and again,i felt like puking when i was doing drills ONLY.
i've been feeling like shit nowadays! seems like my body doesn't want to do anything. damn damn weak. my hip is getting better but my shoulder is getting painful nowadays.
and i can't wait for FRIDAY'S training. yeah right. think im gonna die. macritchie. hello! *points finger to macritchie* i'll be dead tired by the end of this week.
enchanted was good as always! manda and meixian came along. meixian was like laughing and "talking" to herself. i think she was talking to nasrul but he didn't seem to respond. HAHA! but it was good that they came along. THANKS GUYS! :)
nasrul was patient enough to wait for us for about half an hour. and he picked bugis cos it was convenient for me to go back home. and that's really nice. :) so,thanks! :)
i am gonna post pictures when i blog. the prev post were pictures from last 2 weeks. :) tmr will have some more. :D so,till then!
{ 8:24 PM }

The wall vandalism in the sdc. :D

another one. 2 senior senior,1 senior and 1 junior star karat. :)

i couldn't reach so meixian wrote for me. :D

me and hamizah on sunday night. there's more but i like this one.

me and sha walking back from vista point.
{ 8:12 PM }
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
training was ok today. the workout was fine but my immune system was no. i could hardly breathe running the 120s and 100. :/
haven't been able to upload pics cos there's a virus or sth like that. the comp's really lagging. so im here blogging bout this dreadful day on my sis' laptop.
i am free from Muis PSLE. :D im so glad. the examiners don't look nice. :/
going out with nasrul to watch enchanted. umm again. tmr at bugis. it's a waste of money,i know but i "promised" him already. so yeah. he looks forward to it anyway. can't turn him down. won't be nice.
am talking to __ right now. haven't talked to __ for quite sometime already. i miss talking to __. :P
i feel so bored right now. im tired. think i should go to bed soon. like at 11 or sth.
anywayyy,meixian got a new camera. it's some cybershot cam. the touch screen one. pretty cool.
HOLIDAY TRAINING is freaking pathetic! normally,former TeamChan-ers would go for lunch together and stuff. now,it's like only me,meixian,liang wei and maybe manda who'll go for lunch.
just now was me,mx and lw. freaking sad la. normally,we'll have vera,krista and ning anddd wayne! it's all umm different now. :(
maybe former TeamChan-ers will go for lunch only on tuesdays and thursdays. sigh. i miss having vera,krista and ning in our group.
I MISS YOU GUYS! to vera,krista and ning. :(
__ is being so irritating lately. like normally when she's like that,the four of us will discuss and stuff. now,i've got no one to discuss with. :( so sad la!
ok. i'll stop emoing now. going to text people about some stuff that you don't need to know. it's HOT GOSSIP-or maybe not. :P
{ 9:58 PM }
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I'm really lazy to post pics. tmr maybe? :/
so went to plaza sing today. aunty jah gave us a swenswen's treat. kakak wasn't there cos she was at the zoo TRYING TO FIT IN! hahahaha! :P
then walked around. ibu bought me Alicia Keys' As I Am cos of my hard work this year. HAHA! kembang,kembang. :P
went to tampines cos parents upgraded phone and stuff. THE FAMILY'S USING SONY ERICSSON NOW! :D the power of sony ericsson phones.
so now,the feeling's totally killing me. listening to As I Am as im typing out these stuff here. im like so dead not tired.
that's bout it. goodnight!
{ 11:28 PM }
Hello. I'm back. week wrap-up.
Monday: MUIS PSLE started. had fiqeh and tauhid. it was umm hell? then went back to school, trained. rehearsed for staff day.
Tuesday: Had sirah and akhlak. was pretty ok. went back to school. sat with ilma and elisa at the D part of the track while watching the guys play soccer. went up and "slept". trained. "helped out for p6 camp." talked with Vera,Krista,Ilma,Sha,Grachel and Elisa. was a funny night.
Wednesday: Had arab and jawi. Bravo to me cos i understood what they were for arab. I DON'T UNDERSTAND ARAB AT ALL. so it was a shock. had academy outing. met them at orchard. i bought mostly food and a "Little Miss" shirt. wanted to go to laser quest but it was booked so we went bowling. we anyhow bowled.
Had the NSA partnership signing thing then p6 camp finale. was not as fun as ours though. :P and i didn't really like their group names. went back to hostel. talked again. with Vera,Krista,Ilma,Sha and Grachel. that night,was a scary night. i couldn't sleep.
Thursday: Free from madrasah! had dean's talk and mentor meeting. Mr Poh is so nice! he ordered pizza for us and bought for us some cute-cute pencil and made a bookmark like thing bout what your group mentees think of you for each of us. After that,packed a bit. went for staff day rehearsal which lasted for 3 hours.
Training was hell. i almost puked. :/ had PTM. got back results for both academic and sports. then had staff day rehearsal AGAIN which lasted for 2-2h30mins. was superrrr tired then. had severe headache!
Friday: Woke up at 7. :/ had staff day. was pretty ok la. the sec 4 soccer boys were noisy. i mean without these soccer boys,i think the school would be really damnnn DULL! :/ so they made their own atmosphere which i enjoyed them too. :) councillors sang a reformed version of Superman just for Mr Moo. :D
ELISA WAS GOOOD! Yay elisa! :D good job!
Had training. did everything in the gym cos everyone was in a rush. Mr Firdaus is nice. I think he has the heart like Mr Pedro. :P After that,went for Kakak's SP Star thingy. Some were really good but BECAUSE the judges were DEAF,they COULDN'T HEAR, the good ones weren't in what they call,the finals.
Somehow,I'm still proud of my sis even though she didn't get in. cos well,I know her and she'll never give up. So WAY TO GO kak! She has always been behind me so i guess it's my turn. :D
I'll update the pictures tmr. Getting late now. Goodnight!
{ 1:00 AM }
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I woke up just to find that today is yet another day. Looking around,thinking of the what if's and why's.
Thinking. Why am I related to these people? I know I'm not good enough to be related to them. Why am I left all alone? I know I don't qualify to fit in.
I realised,it only takes one person to open up and the rest will. I have done just that and it made a total mess. Maybe keeping things to yourself is good. But what if they just mountain up and you can't take it anymore? You blow up. Then keeping things to yourself doesn't sound good anymore.
I thought I was tough inside out. I guess I'm not after all. It proves that something so minor can make a person feel weak. So weak that they just don't know what to do anymore. Who they are. And what are they living for.
Habibah has died mentally. But she wants to build it again.{ 1:52 PM }
Friday, November 16, 2007
Life is never fair. Love is never kind.
The thought of it makes my heart crush into pieces. Pieces so small,that it is never seen. This period of time is all a challenge but it's too much of a challenge.
You don't know what you have done to me. Or worse,I don't know what I have done to myself. I have become the mean,bitchiest girl and I admit it. But I'm willing to change. All I'm lack of is support.
We have drifted apart and now,I want to mend it with all my heart. Cuts and bruises along the way will not stop me from mending this. It's what I've done wrong and it's what I've to get it right. Doesn't matter if it takes years to fix it,it's a mission I have to complete.
I want to change for the better and make life as good as possible for me,for my family,for my friends and for Allah s.w.t.
I've got to stand firm on what I believe in,what I think of myself and who I want to be.
Whatever it takes,I really don't care.
{ 9:52 PM }
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Kak,i hope you're reading this.HAHAHAHAHAHA!! the way Alinur told you off was so funny! haha. your face was like "oh shit. now she really dont wanna go". then you asked bibik to follow.AND I COULDN'T HELP BUT LAUGH!! HAHAHAHAHA! i couldn't shut up and the joke's still inside of me. hahahaha!!Alinur: "Tak nak ikut ah"Kakak: soft "huh"Me: *Giggling*Kakak: "Bik,ikut saye ah"Me: *Started Laughing*Kakak: Shut up la.Me: LAUGHED EVEN HARDER!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!{ 9:58 PM }
Woke up at 11.45 today. Washed up. Went online,chatted with Val. then surfed the net. Facebook and stuff.
Watched Aeon Flux. I think it's a pretty good sci-fi movie. I kinda got the moral of the story. It's about trust and stuff. It's one of the nicer sci-fi movied I've watched. Then watched Bring it On: All or Nothing on Star Movies. After that,a bit of The Simpsons. I don't really watch The Simpsons but I think I'm starting to like it.
I think I'll be watching Million Dollar Baby later tonight. Oh and I realised the last time I went to the movies was when Fantastic 4: Rise of The Silver Surfer came out. That was damn long ago. I shall go hit the movies soon! I feel so bored at home. I'm watching outdated movies. HELP!
so now I'm chatting with Yasha and Syafiq. at least there's someone! :) till then. I've got Akhlak to study for but who cares! hahaha! ok. Habibah,remember to bring $22 to pay for your Muis PSLE fees and bring your report book!
{ 6:43 PM }
Friday, November 9, 2007

Studied for Science major mod on this PRECIOUS board!


WTH! haha!

I'll make a good mother(or so I think). :P

After karaoke-ing in History class.

I just love this picture! Missing in both:Isabelle,Sam,Azwan,Nicholas.
Before "PEP". With music blasting!
{ 9:06 PM }
I'm back from school. Major module's over. FINALLY! i don't know how i'll cope when i reach sec 4. YIKES!
ok. weekly wrap-up.
monday,science major module test. it was not bad a paper. cos most of them were mcqs and i LOVE mcqs. :) so yeah. was studying the whole of sunday for 6 hours straight. from 2 to 8. i can't believe i actually sacrificed my jalan raya time to study. :/
no more fun times at the gym with the normal gym-goers. example. Mr Slava's and Dr Valeri's groupees. :(
tuesday,math major module. it was not that difficult. as i thought it would be. everyone was so relieved after math. :D like whee! we can put sec 1 books aside. and all of us were like. "aiya,heck care honours paper la. Thursday go home slack."
yes,we heck cared honours paper. like what the hell. it's sort of a waste of time. :P can't remember what we did for training.
wednesday. slack day. syafiq didn't even bring his bag! we slacked the whole time. we watched I Not Stupid Too during mt class. Monsters Inc. during English. and karaoke-d during History. Wednesday was the best!
training. we did gym work in the morning. MR PEDRO HAS REALLY GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT!! gosh. he finishes on time. like exactly! had cross training:bowling. I SUCK AT IT! the juniors could even play better than me. hahaha! oh well,proves that habibah is not a good bowler.
I SACRIFICED RAYA TIME AGAIN! to sleep for a few more hours. haha! i guess this year im just not in the mood to celebrate raya early in the morning. Ibu waked me up at 10? but i was totally dead. and i said i dont wanna go and woke up at 2. :D oh yeah. i had this weird dream about sam ong chasing me on level 4. laundry and stuff. just weird. i'll just write the keywords so i can remember.
Went to raya later in the evening. open house stuff. OMG! HAZIQ IS DAMN CUTE! he's damn handsome for a baby la. i wish i had a baby brother. but the tolerating will be so much more worse than girls. or maybe not. cos then,he would be surrounded with 4 sisters. :)
went back EARLYYY in the morning today. i was damn tired la. thank god we jogged 12 mins and stretched only. phew. then went to school with sha,ilma,grace and phelycia. the bowlers entered later to get away from people cos they skipped gym(forgot to set alarm). then me and sha went in first.
then had HP paper. sucked like hell. i got 14/25. THANKS TO METHOD MARKS! could've failed! haha. but whatever. a pass is good enough! :) then slacked in the library during English cos Mr Audi didn't come.
did long jump during training. kinda nice to jump! :)
so. the sec 4s will be checking out soon. CHECK OUT FOR REAL! then we would get level 8. it's so high! i went to #08-42 on tuesday night. i was like omg! they left already. thousand words to express my feelings and thoughts. it's kinda sad though. but oh well,move on. shit! i've got no one to punch. :'(
it's ok. sam and kesh,i'll give you a surprise when i see both of you! ^^ sam is so hard to trick. keshia forgets sometimes but she never fails to get me back.
so yes. i guess that's about it. oh! MEET THE ROBINSONS is soooo nice and touching for a 3D cartoon. :) ok. pictures in the next post. :)
{ 8:27 PM }
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I'm munching on kinder bueno and listening to Colder by Travis. This week went well? Had history presentation,geog test and Peribahasa test.
Science major module's tomorrow and i'm in trouble cos i really am clueless bout science. I hope i'll do well. really. 80% of the module!! 25% of yearly weightage. THANKS AH! stress sey. then friday,honours programme test. bleugh....
Anyway,we've got a new coach and now,it's no more team chan. we're like separated already. Krista and Weining went to mr Slava's group. Vera went to dr Valeri's group and now it's left with me,liang wei,gina,meixian,amanda and val. Our coach's name's mr Pedro. kinda nice. but his training is kinda more to endurance which is like bleuk. but i think we can improve although we can burn out easily with this kinda of training. haha.
on friday night, i went to wak li's house to karaoke(but i didn't). kak lin picked me up from school. went to her house to eat dinner then went to wak li's house. alif and aliah are soo soo adorable. they were playing around with me. OMG! sooo adorable....
i remembered aliah saying in malay,"aliah sayang adik." then she looked at me and smiled. that's the nicest thing i've ever heard a small child say. in english,it means i love my brother. well then,i fell asleep at 12am and woke up at 236am to head home. yikes. that was damn late.
oh and i was talking to iqbal while waiting for kak lin. i think his funny and nice to talk to. i kinda pity him cos he's like a loner. silat people are no loners but he's just one. sigh. he's nice la.
yesterday we went jalan raya. it was ok la. not as fun but whatever. i had my own good time. haha. all i know was that yesterday was a clumsy day for us.
this message is specially to syafiq:
GET WELL SOON YOU! :)I just felt like doing that. hahaha. ok. gotta go take a nap and mug mug mug later. till then.loves,Habibah{ 11:20 AM }