Saturday, September 29, 2007
i have to start mugging soon. major module coming in a month's time. :/ major module.....
so now im just staring blankly into space thinking bout stuffs. mostly MATH AND SCIENCE! and projects. :/ today is a i-feel-:/ day.
i haven't hafal the 3 surahs! and the makna also. :( im so dead. i swear my schedule's packed! if only madrasah didn't have exams. i would be very gleeful! let's see. im gonna fail my arab and jawi. that's a total yes yes!
i just have to read up on the other subs to pass. haha. cant do much bout hafalan muqaddam though. and hafalan solat,it just comes naturally. :) i feel so much closer to God somehow. :D
do i sound like some alim person? haha. i think so. and people keep saying that. i guess it's good?
i still haven't rep the email. haha. still dont know what to write.
i made a new friend! :) his name's izhar. he goes to ymc too. :)
alright gotta work on math and hafal the 3 surahs.
{ 12:37 PM }
Friday, September 28, 2007
This is the email. I kinda can reveal it here cos not many people know my blog. only a handful. :D CHEERS!
Dear Habibah,Hello, this is Robin Friday, Dallas Friday’s father. I came to Singapore last year after Dallas’ accident and stayed with her in the ChanGi Hospital. I remember your very sweet and special card and the little bear that you sent to Dallas in the hospital, and as you know, so did Dallas.
Well, Dallas just told me after arriving home yesterday from Singapore and was all excited about being able to meet you at this year’s tournament. She also wanted me to tell you that her email account is currently not working, but she plans to get it repaired and will be sending you a note very soon. Dallas also wanted me to ask you for your home mailing address in Singapore as I believe she would like to send you a little something.
I can’t wait to show her the picture of the both of you, she will certainly have it blown up and put in a special place in her house. I have seen Dallas excited about some of her fans, but I can honestly say that she has rarely responded to one of her fans like she has about you. Dallas was extremely humbled by your thoughtfulness last year, and when she saw you standing off to the side while she was getting pictures with other fans, she knew there was some special connection of your being there.
Dallas’ mother and I want to thank you Habibah for caring about Dallas – with Dallas’ hectic schedule and barely any time to stop and think about the important and thankful things in her life, you my dear have caused her to stop and truly appreciate what life is all about, caring for and helping others – for what you have done for Dallas we are all tremendously grateful for you!
With kindest wishes and blessings to you and your family,
Robin & Darla Friday
{ 10:56 PM }
ms chan left today and i feel so sad. my instincts were right. i would cry. i mean. obviously i would. after i hugged her and thanked her,the tears just flowed down my cheeks. she has done a lot for us! yes us! tolerating us and all. she deserved the coach recognition award after all.
i couldn't hold back my tears. really! right when gina,liang wei and maybelline sang for ms chan. i didn't understand(it was in mandarin btw) but it was so touching! like oh shit. my eyes are getting watery.
then when i thanked her. boom! it was like rain. then thanks to meixian for lining up the group in one row,she saw me crying. thanks ah! :/
i think i cried like shit cos well,
she said to me that SHE will give me the chance to go for icg next year and then she said something like if you continue with your good attitude like this,you can be good. but in the end,it's up to you. coach can only tell you what to do but in the end it's up to you whether you want it or not.i guess she's right. so yea ms chan. thanks for everything! :)
and omg!! dallas' dad replied me and ohmygod did it leave me speechless! like whoa! and seriously,i dont know what to reply right now. the way he replies it is so formal. and do i have to reply back in a formal way?
then i'll be doing some formal letter writing thing which sucks cos i hate it when we do it in english class. i'll just write what i feel. oh. and the email is so touching! ^^
so yeah. im having split feelings. sad and happy. alright. gotta go hafal surahs for this sunday's hafalan test. :/ cant fail!
{ 10:31 PM }
Thursday, September 27, 2007

sigh. those times.

i was strumming the electric guitar anyhow during arts. it was my free time so i was bored and i did that. anyway,slept at 2 woke up at 430. i hate spasms!
so i went to pick up my sisters at temasek today. and i told alisha to take the pic (the very first one). i was smiling widely at it can? not because i was in it. because it's one of the sports i want to be in. get it?
okay. gotta get ready for breakfast now! chao.
{ 6:48 PM }
I felt so down yesterday. I don't know why. i still am but not so bad y'know. i cried in the middle of praying last night.
ohwells... finished all my work. got essay to do. hand in by tmr. and no other stuff. i finished all my work on elearn already. how much i hate elearn! no training. :/
i wanna thank dipna for comforting last night. love you! :)
im tired. i dont wanna think about anything right now.
{ 11:56 AM }
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Training wasn't so bad today. did jump circuit but an easier way. kinda fun in the beginning. most of us were talking about the elearn thing. on how we want it to crash so badly. so yeah. kinda slacked during english cos i didn't know where to go and i emailed mr audi he didn't reply so i didn't do anything. :/
history was kinda complicated. got a 60/110 for the mcq test. did it again and i got 90/110. good enough.
ms chan's leaving on friday and i feel so sad! i've got a lot of things going through my mind right now.
hell a lot. i've been sighing since the past 20 mins. and another one just came out.
i wanna wakeboard! like real badly. if i wakeboard frequently and can be good,i want to juggle both wakeboarding and track. provided my parents allow me to,i keep up with my grades,i balance both and all. if people like joel,jamie,fariza and shafinas can do it,why not me?
maybe because my mum just wants me to focus on one and it's a lot of money for wakeboarding. isit? sigh. and I DIDN'T GET IT FROM WATCHING THE WORLD CUP. MIND has been like that.ah shucks! i dont know la. this sucks. really. today is one of those days that i feel emo. :(
whatever. i got no mood to blog right now. bye.
{ 9:39 PM }
im so bored right now. got an essay on is it cruel to keep pets to do. i did that for m6 essay test la then must do again. :/ i bet everyone's slacking right now. the guys will be playing their online billiard game. the girls will be viewing blogs. as for me,im doing nothing. i've been sitting here since 830. got training at gombak later. :/ i bet we're gonna do walking hurdles la... :/
yes,right now i feel :/
{ 10:02 AM }
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I've got an essay to finish by tonight and to be handed in tmr on elearn. I feel so relieved that the words that has got to be in the essay has a very good link to what im gonna write. mr audi said i could write from experience so the experience i had at Bedok Reservoir shouldn't be a problem to write.
I'll type it out here in case i forget.
Sinewy arms-eg. riders had sinewy arms
devastated-devastated by the heat? is that right?
umbrella-under my umbrella,ella,ella,eh,eh,eh. haha. spectators held umbrellas.
worn-out shoes-joggers with worn-out shoes came to watch
beads of perspiration-we had that the whole day!
beady eyes-the cute girl who kept smiling had beady eyes. :D
i hope i can do this well. :D am gonna wake up at 8 tmr and do the essay. i think im gonna have fun writing it. with good vocab and grammar(my grammar sucks btw). i'll just write the best i can. ok. am going to head to bed soon. getting real tired. how much i hate elearning. :/
{ 9:54 PM }
Monday, September 24, 2007
breakfasted an hour and a half ago. still full from what i ate though. so now i have difficulty breathing through my nose. :/ im feeling cold and i think im down with a flu. i haven't finish my sajak yet. i haven't hafal sec 2's peribahasa. i haven't finish my essay and i got another essay to write today. and i slept during science class. and it WASN'T mr lee mind you. i think i gave a bad impression already. :/ i feel so unwell right now. double the :/
anyway,i didn't really train today. cos my knees were hurting like crazy. ms chan told me to go physio and checked it out. gideon said my muscles are tight. like really tight. so yeah. told ms chan and she looked at it as a mystery cos i didnt really do anything during the weekends,didn't train on friday,didn't have morning training today. yeah. i have to stretch more...
anyway,i still couldn't believe dallas friday gave me her email. i was in my room then i saw the poster of her i put up at the beginning of the year. i just smiled! yes,23/9/07 is indeed one of life's moment to remember.
i shall head back to whatever im going to do. most prob my sajak and hafal peribahasa. till then.
{ 8:31 PM }
Wakeboard World Cup 07 Pictures
Sunday, September 23, 2007

me and dipna

me and kakak

the two doggies :)

the cute girl who kept smiling. :)

dallas friday

random pic my sis took

phillip soven

phillip soven again

sweet tatoo.

me with phillip soven

me with dallas friday

oh shit! the tan line.

dallas after her run.
pictures of yesterday and saturday.
{ 10:23 PM }
Wakeboard World Cup 07
Hello world! two straight days at bedok reservoir is sure tiring. i'm burnt! soaked in the sun for like many many hours. not so much today cos i could actually stay at the vip tent which is really a good privilege. :)
went with val and dipna on saturday. we missed sasha's run and when we reached,dallas was riding. oh man! she's good! then there was phillip soven. haaa. :)
so today was fun although half the time i was alone. my sis couldn't get into the vip tent. i could cos i WAS a junior rider. although that,taking pictures with phillip and dallas were possible cos they were very much outside the tent and that's when we went for it. :)
anyway,highlights! phillip soven used my phone to call mac delivery. why? cos i was with sasha and he was there too then they were asking for mac's num and i had and he called mac using my phone. :D
second highlight! dallas friday knows me! :D well,cause i approached her and asked whether she received a bear and card last year when she was in the hospital. she fractured her left thigh last year by the way. she said "yes. you gave it to me? that's nice of you." and then we had a short chat. she hugged me three times. she said she was glad i told her. im glad i told her too! so then she gave me her email. :D and she said the feeling's GREAT to travel around etc. awww! she said it was great to not also end up in the hospital again. haha.
third highlight! sasha qualified for semis which is good enough! :)
so yeah! that's about it. now im tired. i've got spelling tmr. and i haven't finish my sajak yet. im dead! goodnight world and goodnight memories. :)
{ 9:59 PM }
Friday, September 21, 2007
so mr lee left today. thought i wouldn't cry but well,i teared a bit. had storytelling. it felt funny cos most of us were reading kiddy stories to the whole class. and we're 13! but it was ok. fun experience.
after school,went to iron my white attire then went to level 8 to sleep. i had a bit of disturbance. my heart kept on giving me this skipping-a-beat kind like it kept beating fast then slow then fast again then slow again. if you get what i mean. didn't have a good sleep. :/
bathed,got ready for north zone colours award. preparation for it was not bad. realy stuffy. then me and hamizah made our way to the general office. collect blazer and tie.
assembled in the auditorium. put on blazers and tie. took pictures. then made our way to Christ Church Sec. people have bus,we have legs.
Me,bal and dipna. Val's missing.

Meixian,Liang Wei and me.

Me,Meixian,Liang Wei and Gina.

Mariam,me and Jan.

Me and Meixian.
Me and Hamizah.
so those are some not-so-bad pictures. anyway,dr william tan,the guest-of-honour,is a great man i feel. it made me value the things i had especially my legs. i realise that we oversee of what we have and take them for granted. like what if i didn't have any legs,would i be running like i am today? definite no. what if i was blind,would i be seeing this beautiful world? again,a definite no. this thoughts dont really occur in my mind or worse/better our mind. if you think deep into it,i bet you'll be thankful.
i kinda treasure everything more now. especially my life after cikgu imran showed that death video. like it's scary in a way. you know,getting buried and you're dead. you dont feel anything. but what im afraid of more is the questions and the torture if you're a bad person when you were alive. yikes.
so yes! I'm treasuring myself a lot lot more right now which is a good thing. Alhamdulillah.
i got kinda jealous when i saw people getting colours. i just wish i did better for nationals and wala. a bronze with no pb is kind of a waste if it doesnt lead you to colours. but whatever,there's always next year and more competitions to come. SAN FRANCISCO,HERE I COME! *hint:main aim there*
anyway,i hope im gonna do well for math test on graphs. it was manageable la. i guess that's about it for today? till then.
{ 9:04 PM }
Monday, September 17, 2007
Oh yeah i forgot one more thing.
Dearly to my sis, Nur'Aisyahbi...I ponteng also still can just pass. but if i ponteng more,fail dah. hahaha! but wow! I PASSED MY ARAB!! :DI know la my arab not as good as yours but at least i know what HINZIRON is. hahaha! :PNevermind. wait until Muis PSLE. i THINK i can pass all my subs. the best is pass la. haha.:D :D :D
{ 8:51 PM }
Great! i didnt reach home on time. let me recall from the time i went down for training.
Trained. did hurdle drills, one step then some crossing over hurdle thing. then we did the indian run?? it wasnt that hell but becos i was rushing for time, it made training hell. so left the track at 545 ard there. bathed (yes i speed showered).
THE LIFT MADE ME DELAY MY TIME! i got so irritated. like i tapped but when i press the floor,the light didn't light up. that's the first URGH!
the second URGH!, it went up all the way to the eight floor and just stopped there. i was already like shit! called su to help me tap but sam came out instead. the same thing happened. didn't light up.
third URGH!, had to run down the stairs from the eight floor. like so annoying la..
fourth URGH!,i missed the bus. that was seriously URGH! URGH! cos it was already 615 when i missed it so obviously there wasnt enough time to reach home at 7. i felt like crying already. :'(
last but not least, the fifth URGH!. prayer call and i was still in the bus. so you can actually imagine me listening to prayer call with nothing to eat nor drink. and prayer call was singing in both ears. and i was sitting alone waiting for my dad to come pick me up. it was so sad. i felt like crying for the second time. :'(
This was what i felt like at the end!
so yeah. that sucked! and i really cant imagine how life would be like if i was suspended. :/ i have a feeling that i might go back to boarding for the whole of Ramadhan starting next week.
alrighty mighty. i want to have a good sleep after washing up and praying. goodnight!
ps: I'm drinking my 4th? 5th? glass of COKE! i know bad bad. :/ it'll go away i hope.
{ 8:21 PM }
Science! Science! Science! :S
mr lee just gave us an assignment to do. create a blog and update it regularly. update what you ask? some boat building thing.
everyone's doing something else. the guys are playing games,girls are viewing blogs. we dont have the mood and it's MONDAY!!
anyway,mus,syirah and suri came over to buka yesterday. we had like tulang merah? i think i only get to eat this once or twice during Ramadhan.
i skipped madrasah AGAIN! heh. my mum must be really pissed at me. then if i skip anytime soon again,she'll start opening her lecture theatre. haha! so i shall not miss it next week. besides,end of year's coming like in two? three? weeks time. anddd then,i have Muis PSLE. which i think i can manage. well,i hope.
i only had a fewwww hours of sleep only. wanted to sleep at 11 but cos final destination 3 was on, well,i couldnt. IT'S SO FASCINATING! it's cool if you think of it. like how they make the effects so REAL! so i slept at 12mn, woke up at 430am. sahur. slept again at 445. then woke up again for school at 530am. that gives me about 4 hrs and 45 mins of sleep? which suck.
i think im gonna withdraw from staying out soon or maybe not. depends on my body. the sad thing will be that i can't buka with my family. the good thing is,it saves time and money. gosh! and my HEALTH!
but what the heck? sacrifice right? :S
so everyone's being really defiant. haha! heck care everywhere man. poor mr lee! and he's LEAVING!! awww. that's kinda sad? neutral feelings i think.
so i shall head back to work now.
note to all: Science sucks! or maybe not for those of you who LOVE the sciences.{ 1:28 PM }
Sunday, September 16, 2007
breakfasted and i ate.. can't remember what i ate. i think noodles? yeah... noodles. then had jelly. my aunt made it. i like it when she makes it.
wanted to get a go with english but was so carried away by alicia keys. her latest songs are like nice! no one and juciest/juiciest? i didn't even have the mood to do english in the first place. like damn it. and smart me left my math homework in the room. i have to hand it on monday and im going back to school on monday.
im so dead!
anyway,was talking to my mum about going to and fro from home to school. like what time. with who etc. if i sum up the whole thing,i think it's gonna be soooo troublesome.
she wants me to try for a week then if i get really tired,i'll have to stay in. like damn it! there's no hell of a way that im gonna sleep in my room! and i want to breakfast with my family. it feels so damn good. really.
so now im chatting with val and dipna. star karats,if you're reading this,i think you just read what we chatted about. haha! till then!
{ 12:32 AM }
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Broke my rec of 16 hrs of sleep. slept for like 17 hrs. feel so goooood. but im still sleepy. :/
school was ok this week. i got my first A1 for science. :) i screwed math. not sure how i did for geog and history and english and malay.
cikgu brought us to causeway for macs breakfast on wed morning. it was great cos usually he'll buy us macs,we eat in class while watching a movie and we dont do a lot of talking. cikgu was telling us stories and all.
then we had sandcastle building which was a bit crap i feel. it was fun somehow la. then dinner. dinner was not bad all.
slept in keshia's room for two nights. it's how peaceful there.
Ramadhan started on thursday. didn't feel hungry but felt super thirsty.
we did high jump on thursday. all of us were super hyper. we did backward roll,forward roll,front flip etc.
i felt so tired after training. slept during sst. hid behind gratchel/grachel to sleep. then went for terawih. talked to gail in her room. i always have something to talk about when talking to her.
mr lee was being so irritating during science on friday. he kept on repeating the same thing after telling him over and over again that i didn't understand. after he explained,i'll go "mr lee! i still dont understand." at least andrew's concept was way much better than his.
math was ok. having test next week on graphs.
wasn't paying attention in english class. :/ did a last minute card for ms fu.
did hurdles for training and core exercises after that. my body was still aching then. that's about it and i gotta go.
{ 4:36 PM }
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Came back from thai games a week ago. I'll be better than dipna in this i hope. :D
We reached there like in the afternoon. the bus we took from the airport was damn effing hot! so we warmed up for the next day. shopped at Big C which wasn't BIG at all. and we went for the grand dinner. it was not so grand but it's ok. we had fun.
Then came the relays. We did a pb fortunately with weining! supposed to be gina but she was really sick. so yea. i was a bit frightened cos the crowd was all around. anw,managed to overcome it.
The rest day came.. It was hell of a fun day! Me,alicia,dipna and val p took pics in the room then outside then played cards then played blind mice in mx and manda's room. :D OMG! IT WAS SOO FUN! we played till like 630pm. shireen didn't get caught at all. she's good. i remember weining blocking me in the bathroom and she got caught. hehe.
(ps:dipna,im pretty good at this. :P)
After that,competition starts for real. I ran 4 events. took gina's place for her 200m and 4x300m. i got pbs for my 100m and 200m! :D i ran 7 races in 7 days. cool.
Most of our time were spent at the stadium. Thank god i had races like almost everyday. keeps yourself busy.
the tv channels there are not so nice. so watched CNN the whole time and it's kinda nice esp at night. there was this God's Warriors thing every night which was really good.
The last night was also damn fun! Me,val p,dipna,alicia,piriyah,noreen and manda were in dipna's room sharing childhood stories. It was HAHAHA funny!! not gonna share it here sue to some reasons. HAHAHAHAHA! but it was really funny esp alicia's and piriyah's stories.
We had a star karat bonding also! :)
So that was it. The whole of seven days. :D till then.
{ 11:30 AM }