Sunday, June 24, 2007
Ok. so the last time i posted was 9 days ago so what? i still get to post.
Anyway, I'M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL TODAY!! time flies damn fast. like today i go back to boarding and then on wed night i go back home(i think) and then thur morning i "fly off" and then when I come back on tue, two days later it's the start of nationals!
Scares me. You know why? cos cck stadium is a whole lot bigger and has great crowds. let's see,goals for nationals: NEW PERSONAL BESTS! i hope there aren't gonna be any bad races. let's pray it doesn't rain.
So that's the future. Now, the past.
On saturday.
Ran my 200m. Sort of like gave me the jitters. but somehow,i overcame it. is there such word?
Did a pb! hit below 28secs. Finally! :) so then finals,i ran a 26.97 (according to ms chan) hand time. i think i really ran like a mad dog chase cos i actually felt the lactic thingy earlier like at the 100m? 75m? mark. it was good.
Oh. I couldn't breathe when I saw him. haha. Anyway, I saw syafiq. His hair looked kinda weird though. haha.
On sunday.
Ran my 100m. Oh I loved it SOOOO much! It was one hell of a good race. Hand time was a 12.81 and 12.67 respectively. heats they manually timed so it's about the same as 12.81. finals i did a 13.05 electronic. IT WAS A DAMN GOOD RACE. :)
I just wish nationals could be the same. :))
We didn't have training on monday. just slacked under the void deck. we got super bored until me and manda played hand tennis with meixian's gree ball. :D
Then had council meeting. nothing much there. just a welcome sort of thing.
On tuesday,we did starts first then gym. normal stuffs.
Then lunch. It was the best lunch us team chan-ers ever had. I mean for me it was. I don't know about the rest.
My table had me,krista,meixian and weining. The something-wrong-up-there people. We laughed our asses off at the table until everybody was staring at us. I had to rush to the washroom in the middle of the "gig". Oh. suhailah,sam ong and keshia were there too but they sat at a diff place.
I GOT PUNCHED ON BOTH SIDES! thanks to weining and liangwei. :/
On wed,we did walking hurdles. it was soooo quiet! gina,liangwei,meixian and jannah left for iceland. God,i so want to go to ICELAND and then SHOP FOR ONE WHOLE DAY IN
LONDON!*sigh* next year's at san francisco. the year after, athens! I HAVE TO MAKE IT!! I WANT TO!! AND I WILL MAKE IT FOR BOTH ICG! :)))
So then the days went on like normal. no surprises. and now im here. on the road of packing for later. damn. got to mop the floor clean the dust and all later. i hope hamizah will be there early too to clean the room. till then.
Labels: wrap up
{ 11:34 AM }
Friday, June 15, 2007
Hello world.
We canceled the trip to east coast cos it was raining. so we watched movie. had no choice but fantastic 4 so i guess im gonna watch it 3 times. heh.
I swear ilmi is a jerk! J-E-R-K! god. don't ask me what he did. he is a JACKASS/JERK! god!
IF YOU'RE READING THIS, WATCH YOURSELF CAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I KNOW.And i've been thinking of a lot of things lately. track etc. HOMEWORK! haha.
so anw,it was fun just now. i mean it. it was really fun. esp at macs. team chan UNITED! hehe.
well,actually nothing much has been going on. finished my one and only beautiful hotel rwanda poem. i think it's best. well,maybe for me. :D
great. SWIFT is like tmr. ok. I AM PREPARED TO FACE ANYTHING! LOSS OR GLORY. I AM PREPARED. nothing is gonna stop me from achieving pb! and go below 13s by the end of this year. well,except maybe Allah. he can stop anything.
your pb is waiting for you habibah najihahbi! definitely. 200m,im not scared of you anymore.
i'm facing you. yay!
that felt good. i'm ready for tmr no matter what. and of cos 100m. visualise habibah. and pray hard. :) i'm only sec 1. got a long way to go. so if i lose,i did try my best. :)))
you know. i think i wanna migrate. i mean on my point of view,sports is a not-important to singapore. like training for sea juniors in spore.. i bet they trained like not as oftenly like other countries. i think thailand and all trained a year for this??
so yea,migrating to much more high-perspective countries on sports is better.
oh oh. and i wanna try tennis,golf or shooting during off-season. well,you don't have to be good only in your sports. try others. :) and i wanna try either tennis,golf or shooting. :D
alright. gotta rest. all the best to me tmr! :)
Habibah Najihahbi(:
{ 6:22 PM }
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 73% |
 Your Interpersonal Intelligence is High
You are definitely a "people person." You enjoy spending time with others. You instinctively understand people, and you are both a good counsellor and mediator. However, there are definitely times when you've had enough. And that's when you cherish being alone. |
this is so true! :)
You Are a Great Student |
 You aren't afraid to crack the books when you need to, and you make your education a true priority. You could become a PhD in anything, if you set your mind to it. There's no limit to what you can learn! |
yeah right.
You Have Fantastic Karma |
 You are a kind, sensitive, and giving person. And all your good deeds will pay off - if they haven't already. But you're not so concerned with what you get in return anyway. You have an innate caring nature - and nothing can change that! |
im bored and im going to sleep now. well,i have a whole day tmr so till then. :) nights.
{ 11:30 PM }
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
World oh world.
Had training today. did starts then medicine ball. i swear team chan was damn united plus we had linette and nessa who joined us for this wk. it was so fun!
well,yesterday,came back hm. used the comp for a while and slept like a log. slept from 4pm to 12mn. ate then slept again and woke up at 6am.
I was really tired. so yeah. just collapsed.
So then,we ate at macs just now. as usual,if i sit opp meixian there'll always be sth happening. hahaha. i mean really something. funny things in fact.
ok,so i was drinking coke when i felt someone tickle me. it wasn't ticklish la but my hands were on the drink that i wanted those hands to slip off. shake shake shake and i fell and all of them laughed especially weining!
haha. and then she said sorry cos i fell. i was like no,it's ok. then she kept on saying sorry.
don't worry dear. it's not your fault. i just slipped.
so we went back. i was playing virtua tennis. played as MARTINA HINGIS. she kinda suck. haha. the best is HANTUCHOVA and SHARAPOVA! haha.
swaped mp3s for the day. haha. and i love meixian's song! :)
ok then,mus and syirah coming over. gotta go now. :)
Habibah Najihahbi
{ 4:27 PM }
Sunday, June 10, 2007
YAY! cleared my cip hours. i think.Two days straight help out for SEA juniors. it was so fun la esp today. let's see,yest from 2-6 sit there do nothing except clear and put back hurdles,watch races and long jump. at least i got myself occupied with meixian's psp's tennis. haha. won the championship man. hahaha.I swear they are damnnnn fast and powerful.. i'm talking about malaysia,thailand,vietnam etc. holy moly!100m women:11.86s(fastest i got to see in real life)i was so motivated to do under 13s this year. i mean I AM!today was one hell of a fun day. so called lead competitors to the starting point. i felt so scared when i was leading the men 200m. haha. kinda cool though.anw,before everything started. we made a lot of noise at the call room. play game,tell stupid jokes and so on. i think the noisiest were meixian and divya. haha!so then,everything went on smoothly and i got real tired after bringing the numbered roller boxes to and fro. we played like racing. haha. and everybody was looking. yeah. but who cares? haha. it's to have fun!at the 200m tent,me,meixian and hamizah sat there while the rest disappeared. we were doing the snow white ah aaaaah ah from shrek 3 thing in like sequence. we couldn't do it cos it was tooooo funny. like attempt after attempt. oh and finally after almost 30 mins,we did it!we were making a fool out of ourselves as relay runners from thai.viet,m'sia were warming up. haha. we laughed so hard that i was in the need of peeing. hahaha.and then there was this m'sia guy who was disturbing the viet women team. and then in return we disturbed him. hahaha! there were some cute guys too you know. haha.then came macs,then home. went back with hamizah. :)I think i'm much more disciplined with my diet,sleeping time and my work progress in school. hahaha! :Ploves,Habibah Najihahbi :)Labels: SEA juniors
{ 10:44 PM }
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Woke up at 10 this morning. haven't been posting for a couple of days so yeah.WednesdayHad training. did fartleg (however you spell it). 5 rounds around the field. couldn't do 150,180 and 200 cos of my thighs. skipped lunch with them and went straight to dhoby ghaut. i was kinda pissed cos i had to wait for my mum for like 2 hrs or so. the first hour i sat outside her building waiting. accompanied by psp and ipod. the next hour,i went to eat and then roamed around plaza sing. it was already 3 plus by then. and the thing goes on...i reached bedok stadium at 430. helped the juniors. mostly the jumpers cos mr liew was doing endurance with the rest. so then i went back to tps to join them for dinner.I swear the food is much more nicer than ours. like omg. quite a meal i can say.after dinner,rested for 15 mins in the classroom then headed to 3G to watch the IAAF 2006 championships. i think i scared most of them cos it was dark and the stairs had this switch. it was switched off by the way. so clever me went to turn it on and the whole stairway got real dark and everybody screamed. turned out that the switch works the total opposite. hahaha!the races were quite impressive you know. if only i could run a 10.5. that'll take manymany years to work on it. longlonglonglong way to go. went hm at 10. got a lift from miss yeo. her car's like so comfy and yes i was jakun over it. haha.ThursdayTraining at 9 as always. did 5 times 50m. go as far as my leg can take. so i did. then we had gym. did full squats. omg! am i getting weaker or what?? like 30 kg is heavy for me you know. normally if i do 30 and over it's like ok but i don't know what happened to me that day. went for physio. heated my thighs.Again,skipped lunch. headed home to pack for the night and friday's training stuff. left for bedok stadium. when i reached there,they were stretching so i didn't miss out much. my first task was to help the 4x400m B div boys with their timing. not bad though.they did starts on the curve again had to help them by telling where they went wrong. it was sort of like the same. after helping the rest,to keep myself busy,jumpers pit as always.went back to school. showered,dined. dinner was not bad. all of us hated vegetables. so i kinda knew what were the tricks they were gonna use. like the day before i saw afiq threw his vege. he kept it in his mouth. some kept in the cup. (hint: that's what we did last year and last 2 years.) but thur,afiq ate his vege with a i-dont-know-how-to-put-it face. then came inspection. since track camp started,without fail,we had to do puch ups. hahaha! runs in the generation i can say.after dinner,they did a test. something they learned the day before. went to the hall after that where mr bashir was telling his ghost stories. gosh i actually can imagine the picture clearly you know. that's why i hate listening to them. ok i like but there's consequences to it. haha. i kinda freaked out la. then,they had a a task to do. form TEMASEK ATHLETICS! kinda impressive y'know. :)supper was GREAT! cup noodles,crackers,ice pop. haha. sure to gain weight. hahaha! after supper,made my way to the classroom. waited for miss yeo to pick me up cos i was scared to walk to the staffroom in the dark. hahaha! so much for brave habibah.STATIONED AT THE END POINT WHICH WAS OUTSIDE AVA ROOM. EVERYTIME MISS YEO AND MISS YATI WANTED TO CHECK THE PEOPLE OUT. I HAVE TO FOLLOW THEM COS I WAS SCARED.I THINK AFTER THE 2ND PAIR OF THE GIRLS CAME DOWN,I WENT TO WASH UP FIRST. AFTER WASHING UP I RAN TO THE AVA ROOM ALTHOUGH IT WAS A VERY SHORT PATHWAY. THERE WAS A SKELETON FIGURE THERE. I WONDER WHY THEY PUT IT THERE. PUT LA AT FIRST LEVEL OR STH.THEN THE BOYS CAME. I CAN SAY SOME WERE FRIGHTENED AT SOME POINT OF TIME ALSO. SO IT WENT ON. FIRDAUS ADMITTED THAT HE WAS SCARED THEN EACH AND EVERYONE ADMITTED THAT THEY WERE TOO. HAHA!PROVES THAT IT TAKES ONLY ONE PERSON TO OPEN UP.AFTER THE WHOLE CONFIDENCE WALK THING ENDED,I HAD TO GO BACK TO THE CLASSROOM TO SLEEP. DIDN'T HAVE ANY GUTS TO WALK SO I RAN. MISS YEO WAS TELLING MR LIEW THAT NEXT TIME I HAVE TO JOIN THEM. HAHAHAHA! SO THEN I SLEPT.FridayWoke up at 615. got ready for training and so on. did medicine ball. the rest except me,val,vera,gina,michelle and wayne did 300m.Lunched at pizza hut. it was one hell of a day man. took the train back with meixian and vera. meixian made me laugh until toa payoh where then she dropped off. she was doing this head swinging thing when people sleep. so we were silent laughing all the way. hahaha. kinda fun to be around her when she's hyper. :)i checked out MARILYN MANSON! cos siew mei was talking about him on her blog so decided to check him out. GOD,HE'S DISGUSTING! i just felt like vomiting when i entered his website. SICK!! yucks.... slept at 12..So that's the wrap up for the few days. gotta go pack my stuff. going gombak for the SEA juniors c'ship. clearing CIP hours. :) alright,catch up soon. :)`najihah<3Labels: wrap uo
{ 10:45 AM }
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
You Are the Index Finger |
 You are ambitious, driven, and capable. You aren't afraid to take responsibility for your actions - or place the blame on whoever deserves it. You are honest, free thinking, and objective. You see things in your own way - and you aren't afraid to let everyone know about it.
You get along well with: The Thumb
Stay away from: The Ring Finger |
Your Love Type: INFP |
 The Idealist
In love, you crave a long term, harmonious relationship. For you, sex doesn't come quickly - it takes time for you to open up.
Overall, you are supportive, nurturing, and expressive. However, you tend to be shy and protective of your personal space.
Best matches: ENFJ and ESFJ |
You Are a Natural Flirt |
 Believe it or not, you're a really effective flirt. And you're so good, you hardly notice that you're flirting. Your attitude and confidence make you a natural flirt. And the fact that you don't know it is just that more attractive! |
You Have A Type B+ Personality |
You're a pro at going with the flow You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.
While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity. Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done You're passionate - just selective about your passions |
You Are From the Moon |
 You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon. You're in touch with your emotions and intuition. You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory. Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone). A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many. |
You Are a Realist |
 You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass. You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is... But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on. You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope. |
You are a Great Girlfriend |
 When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself You're the perfect blend of independent and caring You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too! |
Guys Like That You're Sensitive |
 And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships! |
You Are 36% Bitchy |
 You're a pretty sweet person, and you're definitely not prone to bitchy outbursts. Sometimes, though, you can't help thinking mean thoughts about people. But at least you don't act on them! |
{ 10:13 PM }
I swear i've been very very very weak this week. and i just don't know why. i'm afraid i pulled my thigh muscle and god i have like a wk before SWIFT and 3wks before wala kl. oh im so dead! please heal thigh!
anw,i regreted sleeping again after my sis (alisha) told me that my maid took a diff bus. cos apparently my other sis (alinur) was waiting at the bus stop opp temasek sec and she waited there till like 6 or 7. i dont know cos when i woke up, my dad was like scolding his head off on them. i was like what the heck happened? so then i went out and just eavesdropped a little.
my sis made some arrangements with my maid to pick her up opp temasek sec. so then my dad was like scolding and scolding and scolding.
if i didn't continue sleeping and just picked my sis up,none of this would have happened including CRASHING MY DAD'S DREAM OF WORKING OVERSEAS!
god i feel so bad. i mean really bad. and i too am worried about my sisters. and also scared after my dad explained the whole thing to me. like omg. and all i did was S-L-E-E-P!!
my sis could have been kidnapped by a foreign worker or even disturbed by you know what. argh! damnit! no regrets? definitely something to regret about!
sigh. i bet my dad's feeling very uneasy now. i'm so freaking worried. and i think yesterday he asked me whether i pity him working every day and night and whether i remembered about him leaving for work when i was ard at hm. i said yes to both. and then he asked something about working overseas.
working overseas would be best for him i guess but the other time i asked him for how long he said maybe years. that's like long. but after he said he "i think i can't work overseas cos now,you all can't take care of yourselves. i planned on working overseas but after all this,i don't think i can." he told that to both my younger sis.
now,maybe he won't even consider about working overseas. way to go habibah! damnit!
{ 9:36 PM }
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Evening world. it's 12am on my watch. so.. Morning!
Today was another smooth day. i didn't really meet the target for training. did a 10 mins 45secs for 5 rounds. was supposed to hit under 10mins. but i did try my best. so then i reached hm,slept like a pig. i just collapsed on the bed so i showered after i woke up and boy,was it gross. yucks!
watched shrek 3. it was kinda stupid but had to open my eyes. it was funny at some parts. let's see,i need a drink. im biting on straw and sitting facing the comp blogging at my aunt's place.
I swear im tired. so i'll continue tmr maybe. nights.
{ 12:00 AM }
Saturday, June 2, 2007
the day went oh-how-smoothly. let's see. went to the doctor in the morning. waited pretty long there but i was occupied by again,one tree hill. i know im a little bit old cos it aired in like 2003 then now im watching like season 1 only. haha. but hey,it's better than never get to watch even if you like it. so yea,i'll catch up. im sure.
Anyway,they refered me to KK for a check-up which would be on the 21st. so that's not the point. i went for some REAL shopping since like...god,i can't remember. spent like some serious "a few hundred" of dollars.
I think it was fun doing it once in a while. and i guess my mum's bill just shoot up. well,after she paid for my clothings and stuffs,there were some gorgeous shoes and apparently,i had to really buy one which was the most expensive out of the all the shoes there. it only cost like 25. so no worries.
I spent a lot and i'm not gonna waste it considering the "few hundred dollars". haha. ok. i guess shopping healed me a lot. haha. ok. i think i'm in love. with all sorts of stuffs. hmmm, one tree hill, track, family, friends, god. all you can think of. i guess im in love with them.
Besides all that,i guess i'm in a dilemma right now. you know. H.I.S. N.A.M.E. I.S. S.O. & S.O.
that's a hint for me to remember and not making it obvious. sigh,how i wish i didn't daydream too much about what's happening or going to happen or what would've happened.
I just wished my life was really real somehow rather. ok,i guess should make my way to bed now. training tmr. told on what to do. 5 rounds under 10mins i guess. 1 round under 2 mins. i hope i'll survive considering that i've done 6 rounds clocking 11 mins 46 secs. alright,goodnight.
Hope things go smoothlyLove,Najihah<3{ 12:47 AM }