We Are Forever
Friday, December 4, 2009
HIIIIII!!! *Does the whole waving thing* I haven't been here in months!! Haha but whatever. I just thought this post would be as meaningful as the picture below. :) Stumbled upon it while viewing photos on my sister's Mac. :P
I just love the fact that we're still strong as ever. If you guys realised,my friends are your friends and your friends are mine. It's amazing,really. I know everyone you guys know,and you guys know everyone I know. & At the end of it,we gain its benefits of making new friends and being comfortable around each other. :) I may be like far,but you know I am here anytime. I may not be physically there everytime and it's sad but maybe that's the reason we come in threes. You know like,when I'm away (which is EVERYTIME,Syirah has Mus). Haha yknow,that sort of thing. But I'm glad that nothing can bring us down. Not even guys. ;) I am really thankful and grateful to Allah swt for friends like you guys. So this post is to us. I love you. We are forever.
P.S: This is amazingly random!
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Thursday, June 18, 2009
<3, A
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Sunday, June 14, 2009
I am sorry blog. But I know I have no readers and I love lj. Haha! Blogspot should probably remove me. -.-
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Okay. Since I have all the time in the world,thought it'd be nice to just say a few words. :)
Life has been pretty alright. Nationals was AWESOMEEEE! I SWEAR! I LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF IT! :D :D
Made new friends. :) Like okay,I know them and stuff like that before but never talked to them and had fun with them. But this year,I did. :D
During that 2 weeks,Liang Wei and I slacked and just relaxed although we had races like almost everyday. (It was everyday)
Results came and I'm happy! :) Like I did a pb for both despite we both sprained the same ankles two weeks before Nationals. Haha!
Academy dinner was AWESOME! We had Sakura and didn't have to pay a single cent. Hehe. We got funds from the parents so that's where we thank them for their support! :) :)
Yes,I miss Nationals and all our nonsensical warm ups before races just to calm ourselves down.
We're always a drill behind Nanyang even if we started at the same time. Haha! Cause they'll be very serious and we'll be laughing,wasting our energy. HAHAHA! :P
After 200m finals,Lw and I together with Ching Yi,Sarah,Charmaine,Mel Wee,Jia Wen,Jia Yuan,Fiona and Hanyu watched 17 Again and it was great! Not the movie but the company. :D :D
School has been tough. I've been pretty stressed. But I hope I'll pull through.
Been sick the past few days. I got like a weeks' mc so yeah. I guess this is the time where I catch up on work and study. :)
Okay,I shall continue searching for songs. Did I tell you One Tree Hill is DA BOMB?! It's awesome I tell you.
Season 6 has made me cry more than any other seasons or TV show. It's BEAUTIFUL & AMAZING!
To TeamPedro! of SSP: You guys received my text and yes,we are all missing Nationals but keep the memories in your heart cause that's where it still lives. :D I am missing all of it already! OMG! Now back to hardcore training with you bullies! I think I'll die anytime soon. Haha! Well,take care cause everyone's falling sick! :O Enjoy the pictures. Yknow more are on fb. :P LOVE YOU GUYS! <3
Then again,


THANK YOU MR PEDRO! :) We love you! And I love all of us! :D
Labels: Nationals 09
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Thursday, April 9, 2009
Blog,I feel so sad for you. I've been neglecting you and been posting more in lj. Haha! I'm sorry. Life's been pretty up and down,that's all you should know. NATIONALS IS IN 4 DAYS! 4 DAYS! 200m. I have to have to qualify.... :(
Oh yes,and I love my new blog song. :D
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Thursday, March 12, 2009
This is killing me. Too many things. Too much. I hope I'll be able to pull through the last day... with A Math.
On second thought,why did I pull out? If I knew I'll be much better now,I would have just said "Yes,I want to go."
And not be miserable. A month's decision,can pretty much change a lot of things. Cause you don't know when you're going to recover.
It may be today you decide to not go.. And the next day you're perfectly fine,recovered. Life's like that isn't it?
But I believe things happen for a reason and there is a reason somewhere that's gonna happen,but I just don't know when. It'll be a beautiful reason.
Let's hope and pray for the best...
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